This Is Getting Dangerous

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"Dance with the waves,

Move with the sea.

Let the rhythm of the water

Set your soul free."

Christy Ann Martine


I found myself on an island with nothing but sand. No trees or animals, just a small patch of land. Beautiful voices sang with the waves as they crashed along the shore and I approached the waves like they were my home. There was no sun but the moon hung high in the sky, coating the water and their scales in a dreamy glow. Fins flickered above the waves as if waving me to join them and I obliged. Slowly, carefully, I began to wade into the water. It seemed to help me walk through it, pulling me away from the shallows.


Something was whispering my name, almost as gentle as the water. It was up to my waist now but I knew I couldn't change yet. I had to wait until I was submerged. I continued to walk towards the singing and towards the comfort that the water offered me.


I paused at the sudden volume at which my name had been spoken. Looking around, I saw no one but the fins in the distance, waiting for me.


Violent splashing sounds tore through the image set before me, interrupting the beautiful music and making me realize how cold the water was. It was up to my shoulders now, even though I hadn't moved. I felt like I was losing my chance. I dove into the water and something wrapped around me.

I blinked as I coughed, finding myself not off the shore of a peaceful little island but near the beach in Bernig.

"Nerina?" It was Ryan's voice and I clung to him as I realized I was soaking wet and standing shoulder deep in water. He turned me around and hugged me close to him as he walked us back into the shallows.

"Ryan, what's going on?" I asked him over the crashing of waves. They were violent, almost like a storm was coming and nothing at all like they had been a few moments ago. Ryan didn't answer me until we were out of the water and well enough away from it. There weren't any fins or music, just the sound of wind and waves.

"You sleep-walked all the way out here," he answered, still holding onto me. "I didn't want to intervene until you started walking into the water." I blinked at him and looked back at the ocean, which was tossing and turning with rage. I could feel the rage it felt, almost as if it were my own emotion. "Come on, let's get back to your house."

He walked me back, an arm around my shoulders, and made hot chocolate while I changed into dry clothes. It was almost the middle of the night. When he handed me my cup, however, I set it down on the table.

"Do you think it has anything to do with the tail?" I asked him.

"I think it has everything to do with the tail." I was lucky that he'd decided to stay the night, otherwise I might very well be facing my mysterious mother out in the water. I looked over at him, taking in a ragged breath.

"This is getting dangerous," I sighed.

"I'd say," he agreed, "I think we need to tell your dad now. Enough sneaking around with this secret."

"I can't, Ryan," I replied.

"I know you don't want to hurt his feelings but if he knows then he can help," he argued, "we don't know what we're doing."

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