A Rainy Day Hangover

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she is water

soft enough to offer life

tough enough to drown it away

— Rupi Kaur


I had an idea. It wasn't one of my proudest ideas but it was the only one I had. And no one was going to like it.

As Ryan and I walked towards Polly's shop, I couldn't help but feel guilty for it all. Taron's injury, involving Ryan, my father, and Frank in all of this, and for letting Connor think he was going to get a call from me.

I wouldn't have a phone in the ocean.

"What if she doesn't show up?" Ryan asked, clearly hoping for that sort of predicament. I looked over at him as we walked and gave him an affirming nod.

"She'll come."

"In all honesty, Rina, what are you planning to do?" he questioned. Worry swam in his gaze, making me feel guilty.

Frank had told me to follow my instincts and what I wanted more than anything was to help the ocean. I wasn't doing this for anyone in particular but the water needed my help. I knew that no one would agree with me on this decision but I also knew that I would return to land.


"Rina," he stopped me, shaking his head as Polly's shop came into view. "Don't do anything incredibly stupid."

"I won't," I promised. Polly was standing at the doors and opened them as we neared, her gaze sullen.

"Are you sure you're ready?" she asked me. I nodded and walked in with Ryan on my heels. "She'll be bringing a small army with her, you know."

"I know," I nodded, catching Ryan's gaze. I looked over at Polly, hoping that when the time came, she'd keep Ryan from trying to follow after me.

"This isn't a safe place for you, Ryan," she pointed out as if she could read my mind.

"I don't care," he said back, grabbing my hand. "I'm not leaving." I let out a breath and froze when I saw something move outside of the glass doors.

"I think she's here..." I whispered. Polly immediately turned to the door, her expression hard as the doors opened to reveal my mother. I could see that it'd started raining slightly as she entered. Her blue eyes met my own and Ryan tightened his grip on my hand as she marched in.

"That's close enough," Polly stated, stopping my mother a good distance from us.

"I'm glad you've arranged this meeting, Nerina," she spoke, "I didn't get a chance to explain myself properly the last time we spoke."

"You don't need to explain anything," I replied, "that's not why I asked you here."

My mother raised her eyebrows in what might've been shock if it hadn't turned into a smirk so quickly.

"You've decided to join me, haven't you?" she asked tauntingly. "You've realized that the water is where you belong?"

"Not quite," I answered, letting go of Ryan's hand and taking a few steps forward. Polly went tense as she watched us. "But I'm prepared to make a deal with you."

"You are?" she asked me mockingly, looking me over. "By all means, state your demands."

"I will come with you," I began.

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