Nervous Tic ( Evansson)

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Evansson Love

Really short One-shot

Time: Age Of Ultron Press Conference. 

Prompt: what if Elizabeth Olsen wasn't the one who had let Chris Evans draw on her hand?  

Note: This is in no way making fun of Chris's anxiety it's just meant as a cute and fun look into what Chris and Scarlett do during the press

The crowd of the press could be heard murmuring among each other as Joss talked to the cast about what they were allowed to answer and what kinds of questions they could skip. 

"Remember, we wouldn't want any spoilers to be let out so I suggest try and keep your answers vage," Joss explained looking directly at Mark, who was known for giving out spoilers. "If the questions get too personal direct it back to the movie, but.." 

"So basically don't talk about anything" Smiled Jeremy Renner. 

"Talk about your squat thrust Renner," Robert laughed causing the cast to laugh along with him. "Ready Olsen? Taylor?" he asked the two newbies on set. 

"As ready as I'll ever be," answered Elizabeth. 

"You know I am actually ready," Smiled Arron. 

"Great because we are gonna be giving you a hard time out there." Jeremy laughed. The cast began talking among themselves and Scarlett noticed Chris quietly keeping to himself as they stood there. She casually strolled over to him with a smile on her face. 

"Are you ready?" she asked very softly. Chris looked up with a small smile on his face. 

"I don't know. There is a lot of people out there with a lot of camera and microphones all just waiting for one of us to mess up," Chris said and Scarlett could hear the small bit of fear in his voice. 

"Don't worry Chris, you will do great, you always do." She smiled. 

"What if I mess up? The whole world can see that the internet spreads fast," Chris said with a sigh. Scarlett took his hand in hers. 

"Don't you worry Chris, you are not gonna mess up. You are up there with us, your friends and if you mess up Robert will probably do some weird thing that will make everyone forget." She said, somehow it managed to calm him down a small bit, but the nerves were still there. 

"Okay guys, we will call your names and you will come out one at a time," Chris looked over at Scarlett and she gave him an encouraging look. 

"You got this," She smiled and Chris took a deep breath. 

"Hi everyone, welcome to this press conference for Avengers Age of Ultron. Please welcome Joss Whedon, Elizabeth Olsen, Jeremy Renner, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Doweny Jr, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Arron Taylor Johnson, and Paul Bettany" 

Chris walked with his coffee in hand, Scarlett trailing right behind him, He pulled out his chair as Scarlett pulled out her own and gave her a look and she smiled encouragingly. 

"more people more camera," He managed to say looking at her, with a smile on his to distract the press, she took had a smile on her face and leaned down closer to him. 

"At least you didn't trip walking up here," She said managing to make him laugh a little bit. 

"I need something to do with my hands. or I am gonna start moving them around so much that I knock my coffee over. God that would be a nightmare," He groaned. Chris hated the press, they made him nervous because you never knew what they could ask whether it be good or bad you might just have to answer it. He needed a distraction. 

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