Chapter 14

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I was fuming! How could he!

Remembering the ripping pain in my soul when the rejection was complete, I threw my head back and howled in pain and anger. I heard an answering howl in the distance. I knew it was Daly. But he did this. He gave up without even trying.

I understood his feelings of inadequacy, really I did. Especially with what happened to him in his past. But that doesn't mean I'm staying around time after time of him abandoning me. In two days he gave up on me twice.

But when I look in his eyes, I can see the regret. I can feel the desire, the possessiveness. The need. And even though I'm furious at him, I feel it too. I still want him. So much!

I feel like my head is spinning I'm so frustrated, but then I realise that I'm the one spinning, inside a small tornado. I calm myself quickly and feel myself fall gently back to earth.

I look around surreptitiously, making sure no-one witnessed that. Luckily it all looked clear. I sat down on a stone and waited for Vince to catch up to me. It didn't take long.

He took one look at my face and kept his mouth shut. Smart boy.

When we got to my cabin, I smelled an unknown scent, but sort of familiar!? Just as I was going to ask Vince about it, he starts cursing quietly to himself.

Curiously but carefully, I make my way inside. Just as I pass the threshold, a hand grabs me by the throat and tries to slam me into the wall. Nope. Not happening.

I let the guys momentum guide me and drop myself to the floor, I kept a grip on his wrist around the hand that had my throat, I used my knee in his stomach, then as he flinched in pain I flipped him over me and pulled back on his wrist with a snap. With his wrist broken he lost his grip on my throat.

He screamed in pain. Before he could do much else, I flipped myself and pinned him under me, making sure to slam his broken wrist on the ground while doing so, HARD!

He looked like he was about to pass out, but he also seemed impressed and not worried enough about his fate in my opinion. I pull my switch blade out of my crop top and enjoy the sudden flair of panic on his face.

"STOP! OMG LOXLEY! PLEASE STOP! THAT'S CARTER! MY BROTHER!" Jesse is screaming from the kitchen counter. I snarl at him but don't release him. I see the terror get more defined on his face the longer I glare at him.

"Sis! My mate will never let me forget it if my sister kills her brother! Come on Loxley, let him go!" Alex says soothingly. I let my canines elongate, and enjoy hearing Carter whimper.

"Well her brother shouldn't have attacked me then, should he!? This is my cabin! I'm in my rights to kill him! And with the morning I just had, I'd really, really enjoy ripping somebody's throat out right now!" I growl. Carter is shaking beneath me. I'm getting close to sinking my teeth into him when I hear Jesse sobbing. My head snaps up.

"Why do you cry so much! It's not normal woman! Maybe your pregnant!" At this I see Alex and Jesse share a private smile. Shit, she is pregnant.

"Aw fuck! You are! I mean congrats and all that shit, but I can't kill your brother now, the stress can't be good for the pup!" I look down at Carter,  "You better spoil this kid rotten mate, because it's the only reason you're still breathing!" And with that I climb off him.

He lays there while I walk to the kitchen like nothing just happened. Jesse runs to her brother, helping him up. I drink my water without taking my eyes off them. Vince is leaning against the front door with the biggest grin on his face. When he sees me looking he gives me a wink and a thumbs up. I roll my eyes at him.

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