Chapter 5, The hairdryer mission.

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It's morning!!!!!!!!!!!

I walk into my room to wake Abigail up.

I slowly op the door and see her sleeping like a starfish. I smile. Her hair is wildly spread across my pillow.

"Of course I'll Marry you Ca...." She says in her sleep.

Now I'm very confused.

I tiptoe to her, and gently shake her on the shoulder.

She dosn't want to wake up. Plan B.

"Abigail.....Abigail.......ABIGAIL!!!!!!" I practicly almost scream the last word.

She is startled and takes of her eye mask.

"Wat the fuck Cash," she says almost slapping me. She then grabs her phone, " it's 4 o'clock in the damn morning!!!" She screams at me. "Why are you already dressed, is there something wrong with you?!" She says in a matter-off-fact voice and pissed of.

"I know, I am so sorry I have to wake you up. But we have to get up early! We have to go to the recording studio." I say sighing at my last sentence and give her a smile.

"Okay fine, let me get dressed. But I can't function with 3 hours of sleep, so you are in for a ride." she says, groaning, getting up and walking to her suitcase.

She looks at my horrified face.

"I was talking in my sleep wasn't I." She says looking kinda irritated.

I giggle.

"Yeah" I say smiling at her.

Now she looks mad at herself.

I quickly exit the room not
wanting to get slapped.

"You know," she says, stopping me in my tracks, " for a dude you giggle more than a 6 year old girl." She says and then laughs under her breath.

"I know" I say laughing and exiting my room.

Abigail P.O.V

It's a warm summer day, and I'm on the beach with Cash.

We are holding hands and I am leaning on his arm. I look at the sunset. The sky is painted with colours of red, orange, yellow and pink. The sky is ciliding with the blue ocean making miraculous colours.

I look at Cash. I give him a warm smile while he is staring in to my eyes.

He grips my hand tighter and then let's go.

I am very confused right now.

"Ummmmm......Abigail....." he stutters. I smile at him.

I can see he is less tense now.

"You know that I like you, right?" He says sweating and smiling nervously.

"And you know that I love you, right?" I say giving him a smile.

He looks so relieved right now.

I can see he is sweating and fiddling with his hair the whole time.

He then gets on one knee.

"Will you marry me?" He says bowing on his knee and holding out an open red box with a big diamond ring in it. He looks super nervous.

I bring him up from his knees and hols both his hands.

"Of course I will marry you Ca..." and before I could finish my sentence he pulls back my hair and puts it behind my right ear. He puts his warm and clam hand on my right cheek and kisses me.

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