~ Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

I fell of his lap, my eyes wide open. I breathed heavily, fighting a panic attack. My hands and knees were shaking. I still wore my hospital gown so the cold floor hit my butt. I took a deep breath, raised my head so I could look at him straight in the eyes.

"H-how do you kn-know?" my shaky voice asked. He smiled a little, one side of his lips higher than the other. His smile made me comfy, made me feel secure and made my face heats up. I stood up, slowly walked to the edge of my bed, far from him, and sat on it, instead of his lap.

"I mean, i-it was my dream, i-it was my mind which was fucked up... Right?" I was blushing like hell again, wondering if all of this was really true. He took a mop of his hair in his hand, he suddenly seemed uncomfortable. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He opened them a few seconds after that and stood up. I saw him forth, walked from the right to the left and again from the left to the right. I thought he may counted the pros and the cons. His forefinger scratched his non-existent beard. He shook his head, a little chuckle passed through his perfect lips.

"What's going on in the pretty head of yours?" I asked. He raised the latter said head of him with a big grin.

"Oh, so you think I'm pretty? Boys don't mean to be pretty." he said this with a smile.

"Well hmm.. Yeah, yeah I think you are..." I bit my lower lip, blushing again.

"Little Frankie is embarrassed, hmm?" he chuckled, mocked me a little.

"Fucking hell, yeah I am."

"Why?" he raised an eyebrow at me

"Well, y'know.. I- You... Said a thing and - Wait did you say I am little?"

"Everything's small is cute Frankie," he winked at me. I cleared my throat, not knowing what I could answer to that.

"Oh so you think I'm cute?"

"I always do, Frankie."

He looked at me shyly, he even blushed. I was speechless... How on the dogs' sake this could be true? I was so confused!

"What-what did you just say?" I managed to choke out, "'cause I-I don't know if I heard right -"

"I really, really, really, like my little Frankie.."

"So do I -"

We were interrupted by a nurse who came in the room. She saw the needles out of my arm and she sent me a dead glance.

"What?" I pleaded, with my arms in front of me.

"Why did you do that? Were you so desperate without touching your boyfriend that you took out every single thing that help us to know that you're okay?" she sent me a dead glare again and I could see on her face "the" look of disgust.

"He's not my boyfriend, ma'am."

Gerard stood up and came next to me, his leg against mine. He put his left hand on my thigh, gently rubbing it up and down. He bit his lower lip and came higher and higher, up to an uncomfortable place for my sake.

"Yes ma'am, I'm so much not his boyfriend..." I looked at his hand, which was less than an inch next to my crotch. I started to feel really horny... Like "my friend" started to panic and wanted to show his little head. Wow my dear, calm down please, I don't want to be in a really awkward situation! I straightened myself a bit, taking away my legs a bit, so his hand was on my lap.

The nurse looked at us suspiciously, smoothed the little fringe of hair on his forehead and came toward me. She made an indescribable noise, like a sigh of disappointment and disgust. She send a glance to Gerard and he climbed off of the bed.

"When can I come back to my house?" I asked.

"Maybe in three days -"

Suddenly, she turned so she was front-to-front to Gerard. He looked at her straight in the eyes and I could see that they weren't hazel anymore. They were so bright it hurt to look at them, incredible! But his pupils were so dark, it was terrifying..! I felt something go out of Gerard, like an aura or something like that. It felt really heavy, but it was quite comfy. I mean, I suffocated but I felt secure because, well, it was Gerard.

The nurse nodded slowly and turned again so she faced me. She handed me a bag I didn't know she was holding. I took it and saw it was my clothes.

"I think you can put on your clothes and leave right after. "

After that, she left the room and left me speechless. The old tension left the room too and I let out a sigh of relief. I looked at Gerard, whose eyes were the bright hazel (not as bright as just now but like they always were) again. I was really confused so I decided to ask. I inhaled and exhaled deeply and then, looked at him.

"What the fuck did just happened?!" I asked half-screaming. I felt like the time had stopped while I was thinking again about what he said... Those words, the same as my dream, were hard to analyzed... You fell in love with a vampire... Okay, so. You fell in love, first, I wasn't even in love with anyone. Right..? No, it was wring. I was so smothered in love with Gerard that I didn't see it! So much in live that it hurt. But how he could know it? Like, wow, I never told anyone about these feelings and bam! He knew it. But he said that I was in love with a vampire... What the hell did that meant? I knew Gerard always referred him as a vampire but it was weird to say it out loud. I had to ask him about it too.

"Wait, did you listen to me, Frank?" I heard Gerard asked me. I closed my mouth, which was open but I didn't know why. Maybe like that, my brain could breathe too..? I raised my head and looked at him.

"Sorry, black out..." I whispered "I have some questions Gerard... It's kind of - weird. I dunno, I just have to ask them."

"Go ahead Frankie." He crossed his arms on his chest and tangled his head on the side. I took a deep breath and thought about the way to ask him.

"Well, first, how long have I been in this hospital? Second, what happened? And finally why did you say that you're a vampire?" He laughed a bit because of my nervously voice.

"Okay, so you were in coma during three days. You fell in front of me, you were breathless and, fuck!, I was so scared!" I saw a little drop rolling on his cheek. "I don't why. You were okay and a few seconds after, I had to hold you tight and give you a mouth-to-mouth..." He smiled at this memory and I felt my face burnt. "We were in the wood, alone. Actually, you found me... I didn't excepted you there, to be honest, but... I felt like it was the right time to tell you the truth." I felt numb... This dream wasn't a dream, it was the actual reality! He had blood everywhere and it was true. I found myself scared so my knees shook like hell.

"You had blood everywhere Gerard... Did you fucking killed someone? Are you a murderer or something like that? A psychopath who think he is a vampire? Are you gonna kill me-?" I was cut by his soft and smooth lips. I didn't have the time to kissed him back because he pulled back and cupped my cheeks with his both hands. He looked at me, his glance sent shivers down my spine. I some some glitters in his eyes, as I was the most beautiful thing he ever saw.

"I'm never gonna hurt you Frankie, you're too special an precious to me." I felt my cheek heat up and I looked down at my knees.

"But why did you say that you're a vampire?" He took a deep breath and put my head up with his thumb. He smiled shyly and laughed sightly.

"Because, well... I am."


[A/N] Hey! I'm sorry I took so long! I'm writing a One Shot so you can, maybe, forgive me? ;)




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