"I'm coming with you."

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Whose ready for spiderman far from home?

After a weekend of watching Netflix and YouTube Monday finally arrived.
Just a normal day at school for y/n. Working on the English project with Mj. Math homework. Science homework. More homework. Not paying attention Ms. Morgan at all.
Lunch was normal. Except Peter was late so
Y/n was sitting alone on her side of the table.
Mj and Ned started asking her where Peter is as if she would know.
"I don't know." She responded casually and the three started talking about a new movie they had seen.
Suddenly someone slammed their lunch tray next to y/n. She turned to see Peter looking dead sitting down.
"What's wrong with you?" Mj asked.
Peter ignored Mj, looked at y/n and said:
"You go and get me into this show and emotionally attached to these characters just for me to watch dean die!" Peter says.
"Wait how much supernatural did you watch over the weekend?" Y/n asked trying not to laugh.
"I finished season 3." He said calmly.
"There are 22 episodes each season! You watched 66 episodes in one weekend?" Y/n asked.
"Is that bad?" He asked.
"No I'm impressed. Tell me everything." She responded.
"Ok before anymore of this happens you guys want to go to the mall after school?" Mj asks.
"Sure." They all said and pulled out there phones to text their families.
When they arrived at the mall they all immediately went to hot topic.
Mj went looking for band t shirts while Ned looked at the avengers stuff.
Y/n immediately found the supernatural stuff and got Peter a gray shirt that said join the hunt. She looked through the pins and got 3 that she liked and paid for everything.
They all met outside the building after they were done shopping Ned having the biggest bag out of all of them.
"How much stuff did you buy?" Peter asked looking at Neds bag.
"Just a few shirts and stuff." Ned said "and all the avengers funko pops." He added.
"Do you know how expensive hot topic is Ned?" Mj asked.
"Yeah but I really like their stuff." He said nervously. Peter, Mj, and Y/n rolled their eyes.
Ned and Mj got ahead of the other two on their way to the food court.
"Hey Peter I got you something back at hot topic." Y/n said grabbing the shirt out of its Bagans handing it to him.
"Because the pain wasn't enough." He said smiling back at her.
"Oh that reminds me I got you a shirt too." He said grabbing a black shirt out of his bag replacing it with the gray one and handing the black one to Y/n.
It had the 3 main characters as cats with the logo behind them.
"Oh my gosh this is amazing." Y/n said looking at the shirt.
"I didn't know who the guy in the middle was though." He said pointing to the cat with a trench coat and black wings.
"He's my favorite. He's introduced in season 4 so get ready." She said excitedly.
"He can never be as good as Dean." Peter replied.
They caught up with Ned and Mj and got food from McDonald's.
They sat down at an empty table as far away from everyone else there.
They start eating and talking about what they got at hot topic and what they wanted to get and how amazing the store is in general.
"Did you guys here about that Halloween dance the school is having?" Ned asked randomly.
"Yeah why?" Y/n asked.
"We should all go together and have a group costume or something!" Ned said excitedly.
"Costumes? Dance? Social interactions?" Mj said but everyone else had already agreed, she had no choice.
While talking y/n got a call from her dad.
"My dad's calling I'll be right back. She said grabbing her phone and stepping away from the table leaving a concerned Peter and two other clueless teenagers.
"Hey dad." She said answering.
"Hey. Are you ok?" He asked breathless.
"Yes why what's wrong?" Y/n asked.
"Alleneus is here." He replied.
"Come home now. He has people all over the city as spies."
"Wait how are you making this call?" Y/n asked.
"I have the eye of Agamotto remember? Time stone thing." He said.
"Whatever. I'm heading home now." She said hanging up.
"Sorry guys there's been a family emergency and I need to go home." She said returning to the table to grab her stuff.
"It's fine see you tomorrow." Mj said.
"Wait Y/n!" Peter said running after her.
"Is this about who I think it is?" He asked walking by her side.
She nodded her head in response.
"I'm coming with you." He said.
"No peter this is my problem. I don't want you getting hurt anymore than you probably already have because of my problems." She said.
"If it's your problem than by being your boyfriend it's automatically my problem. I'm coming with you." He said.
"Fine. Do you have your suit?" She asked.
He nodded and the two ran out of the mall.
Peter quickly changed into his suit behind a bush.
"Ok I'm ready." He said and Y/n carelessly jumped into the bush and made a portal home.

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