Grendilton: Rise of the Shadows

28 4 9

Author: evo_eevee

Genre: Fantasy, action-adventure

Review based on the first eight chapters. We were asked to focus on the plot, the scenes, passion and emotions.

Review might contain spoilers (Sorry!)

From the first paragraph writer establishes trust that she knows her characters well, whether she is writing Macey's or Connor's point of view or introducing minor characters

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From the first paragraph writer establishes trust that she knows her characters well, whether she is writing Macey's or Connor's point of view or introducing minor characters.

The most impressive thing is how vividly she delivers minor characters, from their physical appearance to the way they talk. Despite the incredible imagery of the new world we, as readers, enter, I think that characters are those that truly bring the world to life.

However, there are some problematic details, but they truly are details.
Connor has a quite straightforward characterization. He is a son of the well-known family who grew up in the shadow of his brother's success. He has to live up to impossibly high standards but still break away from them and find his own place.

Macey, on the other hand, gets little general description. As with plot (that will be further explained in the review), most we get about Macey's life comes from the summary. In the story she presents two opposing personalities, one that's timid, respectful, not completely confident in her magic, and the other that is rude, reckless and even aggressive.

She gets more relatable as the chapters progress and we get to sense her behind her behavior, but in the beginning chapters she feels inconsistent. I came to the conclusion, which can be wrong, that that's due to the fact that Macey is most human-like character, built on contradictions and that her true personality lies somewhere in between two extremes she presents.

To be honest, I was taken aback by her hatred for Connor that resulted in her attack on him, based solely on his last name. Sure, he is arrogant and provokes her at every turn, but attack seemed as going too far for someone who was living her dream by attending Grendilton.

Macey did warm my heart by the end of chapter eight, but it was much harder than maybe writer

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