A Future Without Fear - The Vampire Diaries

24 4 4

Author: bloodbrothers1864

Genre: Fanfiction

Review based on part of the story. We were asked to focus on characterization, dialogue, passion and emotions.

Review might contain spoilers (Sorry!)

The author had done such an amazing job on the characters

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The author had done such an amazing job on the characters. I especially liked the main character Caroline. She and her friends made me laugh out loud at some points. I also liked that she enjoyed looking good—it may seem small, but I have read many stories were the main character simply refuses to, for example, wear make up (but still look good?) and dress down. I felt like it was a breath of fresh air to see a character who actually cared. Just because it’s so rare.

Caroline also felt human to me (pun intended) because she was real and 3D. I felt the way she coped with her new, vampire lifestyle was done well. I could feel her fear, her anger, her frustration (and her liking for Stefan). Her character was done very well!

What I liked most about Stefan was that he wasn’t some “bad boy” character—he genuinely cared about Caroline and wanted to help her. I found that really nice and something someone would actually do.

Damon, as well, was another lovely character. At first, when I heard of what he did to Caroline, I hated his guts. But I liked that he wasn’t 100% horrible and actually had quite a few redeeming qualities—and Stefan and his relationship was hilariously real and sweet.

Overall, the author has done a wonderful job with characterisation. It felt real and I enjoyed reading about them immensely—even if I have never watched the series (Vampire Diaries, I believe?) it is based on. Well done!

From the chapters I read, the story seemed to just take off, so I cannot judge the plot on a whole

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From the chapters I read, the story seemed to just take off, so I cannot judge the plot on a whole. However, the author did a fantastic job developing the life of a vampire—and the I adored the lore. There isn’t much to say here, because I feel the author did a wonderful job with the plot that will leave readers excited for more!

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