Let's NOT Destroy all of Humanity

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(Disclaimer: The end of this chapter has some gruesome imagery so if you are not okay with that please skip over it, I will tell you when it is coming up so you get a heads up. Also this is one of my longer chapters so I'm sorry. Thank you.) 

  "Do all demons do that?" Remy asked, making his skin crawl as he watched the creature in front of him transform into another human. A male this time. The raven haired girl, who introduced herself as Willow, also seemed disturbed by the transformation.

"I think I read somewhere that only middle class demons and up can transform. But my memory is a bit jumbled right now and my anxiety isn't helping."

"Looks like we have something in common." Remy mumbled.

Willow raised her head at Remy. "Hmm?"

Remy shook his head, "Talking to myself."

Willow nodded and zipped up Remy's backpack which she had previously been rummaging through.

Remy was sitting down next to Luciana's trembling body. He didn't know what to do besides sit next to her and hope for the best.

"Nothing." Willow said as he stood next to him, his bag dangling from her clenched hand.

Remy looked up at her. "Sorry I can't read minds. Can you clarify?" It was meant as an inside joke but Luciana wasn't alive enough to laugh with him.

"You have nothing in your bag."

"That is not true," Remy said, outraged. "I have plenty in there."

"What? Like band aids and makeup? Do you really think slapping a band aid on her forehead will help her situation?" Willow asked, gesturing at Luciana. Remy sighed and yanked the bag from out of her hands.

"No one asked you for your help to begin with."

Willow rolled her eyes. "Not how I remember someone says "thank you" but okay."

"To hell with me thanking you! I had the situation under control. I didn't ask for your help so I don't need to repay you." Remy had been through debt before and being in debt to someone for helping you was the worst, especially when it turns out they were backstabbing liars.

"Don't worry," Willow said as she turned away and walked towards the exit of the alley, looking at the bustling groups of people, "You've already repaid the favor, whether you know it or not."

Remy took the soggy cloth off of Luciana's forehead and poured the last of the water he had in his canteen on the cloth then placed it back on her head.

"What do you mean?"

Willow looked over her shoulder at Remy then laid her eyes on the transformed demon who was playing with what looked like to be Remy's rubix cube.

"When you bumped into me at the club I instantly knew you were trouble, I could tell by the worry and disoriented look in your eyes."

Remy didn't think he was that worried. He was normally good at hiding his emotions. Did he let himself slip up?

She continued. "When you ran off, saying you were going to look for your friend I heard the doubt in your voice. I knew you were lying,"

Remy looked at Willow. Not even his own father could have detected when he was lying. And he knew Remy better than anyone. How could his girl he just met know when he was lying or worried?

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