The In Between

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They made their way back to the inn where Solona gathered her people and got them ready to head out. She cautiously painted a picture of Ruck to his mother, unable to bring herself to lie to the woman. Closure was important. Oghren seemed to have invited himself to stay with Solona, and she did not object. He was as good in a fight as she had suspected. When they left the city, stepping into the bright sunlight, Solona breathed a sigh of relief as Oghren grunted and then sighed deeply. "Gimme a moment."

He gazed up into the sky, his mouth agape. "Sure, take your time," Solona agreed as the others passed them to go down the steps and into the market.

"By the Stone," he exclaimed. "I feel like I'm about to fall off the world with all that sky up there."

"Is it that strange to you?" she asked.

"Strange?" he asked glancing at her and chuckling throatily. "Strange is your wife turning out to prefer the ladies. Not living in a world without a bleeding ceiling..." With one last glance at the cloudless sky, he continued. "Well, let's get moving. We're losing... whatchacallit? Daylight."

As they made their way out of the mountains, Oghren complaining about the cold and marveling at the snow on the ground, Solona noticed Shale being uncharacteristically quiet. They even passed an entire flock of pigeons and she did not even chase after them, threatening a good squishing. They found a spot at the base of the mountain as the sun began to slip below the horizon and they set up their camp. Solona watched Shale lumber to the edge of the clearing to find a spot to keep watch and followed. She sat down beside the mountain of stone and looked up at her, asking with her eyes what was the matter. "Shayle of House Cadash... Is that who I once was? I find this difficult to believe."

Solona shrugged. "I don't find it difficult to believe at all."

"Then I envy it's imagination..." Shale said derisively. "If I was this Shayle of House Cadash as Caridin said, there must be some evidence of my existence remaining. I must find it."

"You think something will trigger your memory?" Solona asked with curiosity.

"I need to know that this is the truth, and not simply believe. What Caridin said, it has allowed me to remember one thing. I believe I know where Cadash Thaig is."

"We can go there, if you like," Solona offered. She had already gone out of their way to help others of their party. Why not Shale?

"It's offer is appreciated. I will mark the location on its map. If we can journey there soon, I am most curious as to what we will find."

Solona stood and patted Shale on her shoulder offering a smile, then she left her to her musing. She returned to the warmth of the now blazing campfire and huddled down next to Alistair who was poking the logs with a stick so they would heat the pot above it faster. From across the camp, Oghren made a strangled cry of annoyance. "Ach! Leliana, get this stupid beast out of here."

"I am sorry Oghren, was he disturbing you?" she asked softly, moving to pick up the squirmy nug.

"No, but if he isn't careful, I'm gonna start thinking about how delicious he looks. A little taste of home, eh?" He chuckled wryly.

Leliana hugged the nug closer to her chest. "Um, I will make sure Schmooples is never underfoot again."

Oghren raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Schmooples? You named a nug Schmooples? Last thing we need around here is a walking snack named Schmooples!"

Solona giggled and looked up at Alistair who was grinning at the exchange as well. "So," he said quietly as she wrapped both her arms around his one. "Are you feeling better? You're much less... tense... than you were underground."

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