The Architect

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When they returned to Amranthine a few days later, she barely had time to bathe and change before Varel apologetically blindsided her in the main hall when she entered. There was a slew of people, some of which she recognized, others new faces as he spoke. "All rise! The Warden Commander and Liege Lord of all Amaranthine enters!" The slew of people rose and bowed, some more enthusiastically than others. Varel leaned in close to her as the conversations and noise of the movement drowned out his whisper. "I've held it off as long as I could, but you hold the right of high justice on your land. Certain matters of court must be decided."

"Let's begin then," she said with a sigh, backing up to take a seat in her throne.

"Be seated," Varel announced and the voices hushed as the assembled people took their seats. "The Warden Commander will first hear the matter of the crown against the sheepherder Alec."

"On behalf of the crown, I submit that Alec stole two bushels of grain bound for the garrison in Amaranthine," Captain Garevel said, his hands clasped formally behind his back as the man was paraded before her. "When confronted by soldiers, he confessed. The punishment for theft from the crown is death by hanging."

Solona's eyes bugged out before she took a look at the man before her. "What say you, Alec?" Varel asked gently.

"My sheep were slaughtered by Darkspawn. My... my family was starving. I ask for mercy, Commander. Mercy," the man begged.

"The poor bugger," Varel whispered to her as she gripped the arms of her seat tightly, her stomach churning. "Had he stolen from anyone besides the crown, he'd escape with a flogging."

Solona loosened her angry grip on the throne. Was she the King's mistress, or was she the King's mistress? She looked to the sorrowful man and softened her features. "Join my army and your life will be spared, your family fed."

Alec looked up at her in surprise, a wary smile spreading across his face. "Thank you, thank you!" he yelped as the guards moved to relieve him of his shackles.

Solona noticed Nathaniel coming into the main hall as Alec was led out and her next judgement brought in. "The next matter is of civil nature," Varel said with a sly smile at her ingenuity. "Lady Eliza Packton is the sovereign of Teyrn's Down. She..."

"I prefer to speak for myself," the woman said as she approached the dais. "The old Arl Rendon Howe made certain promises to me. Some of these he committed to paper. I was given the right to the incomes of the Southern Bridge." She said quickly.

"And what part did you take in Howe's conspiracies, eh, Liza?" another noble said approaching on her left. "to get such a fruitful prize?" he was clearly upset at her claims as her paperwork was handed over and Solona glanced over the legal documents. "I am Ser Derren and it is my land she seeks. Taken from me because I was one of the few nobles who stood against Teyrn Loghain." He crossed his arms and Solona bit her lip.

"Commander," Varel whispered. "Ser Derren is an ally and Amaranthine has precious few who support you wholeheartedly. If there's any hope of persuading more nobles to your cause, you must be fair minded."

The documents in her hand were indeed legally signed by the old Arl. She glanced over them again, hating what needed to be done. "It's legal, Derren, but I swear I'll make this up to you." She handed the papers back to Lady Liza who turned with her nose in the air and left.

Derren sighed. "My father built that bridge, but... very well. I place my trust in you," Derren bowed shortly and the look on his face was not vengeful, simply sad.

"The Commander has spoken, the matter is resolved," Varel said and Derren also turned and left. "Bring in Ser Temerly the Ox."

A large man was brought before her, bound in manacles and looking rather unamused by his current state. He had in looks alone earned his nickname and Solona recognized noble armor when she saw it. "Ser Temerly stands accused of a murder most foul," Garevel said with a sneer, glancing at the Ox. "You and your men came upon Ser Tamra in the dead of night and did cravenly ambush her."

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