Getting to Know You

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The first real sensation was of falling... Or was it flying? And then there was darkness for a very long time. When her consciousness swam back to her, her body ached. Her mind felt slow and her head too large. What had happened? She frowned, even the simple expression difficult to master. She reached up with her left arm, feeling for the size of her head, and her shoulder ignited in fiery pain. The arrow... Suddenly she remembered. Her eyes flew open and she reached for her staff. It wasn't where it should be. She wasn't where she should be. As she took in her surroundings, her mind trying to play catch up a strangely familiar voice spoke. "Ah, your eyes finally open. Mother shall be pleased."

Her head swiveled to the left and her eyes landed on a beautiful, dark haired Chasind woman. No... not Chasind. "Morrigan?" she rasped, her throat dry and cracking. Her right hand reached up to prod at the aching shoulder. The flesh was knitted together, but she could feel the inside was going to take some time. There had been three arrows. She swallowed and her neck raged at her. One had struck her collar bone, the third in her side. Again, the flesh was unbroken. "What happened?" she asked, sitting up and slowly realizing she had been stripped down to her small-clothes.

"Do you not recall Mother's rescue?" Morrigan asked in shock, pouring water into a metal cup and handing it to her.

Solona drank greedily, savoring the cool liquid sliding down her parched throat. When the cup was emptied, she sat with it cradled in her hands and tried to recall anything. "You mean from the Tower? All I remember is being overrun by Darkspawn."

"The man who was to answer your signal quit the field. The Darkspawn won your battle. Those he abandoned were massacred. Your friend... he is not taking it well," Morrigan provided her the short version of events.

"My friend? You mean Alistair?" He was alive?

"The suspicious dim witted one who was with you before, yes," Morrigan said. "He is out by the fire, sulking. Mother wished to speak with you when you awoke."

Solona massaged her aching shoulder and offered a bitter smile. "Thank you for everything, Morrigan."

Shock widened Morrigan's golden eyes. "I... you are welcome... Though Mother did most of the work. I am no healer."

"Even so," Solona pressed. She glanced around the single room hut, and spotted her things washed, folded, and even mended, set on top of large chest at the foot of the bed where she had awoke. She gingerly got to her feet and padded to the chest. She dressed slowly, short bouts of dizziness threatening to topple her over.

"A healing potion," Morrigan said handing her a small vial with a red liquid in it. "It should assist in rebuilding your strength."

She thanked the girl again, downing the earthy tasting potion and picked up her staff from where it was leaning against the wall to slip it into the back strap. When she pushed the door open. She was thankful to see that the sun was lowering below the horizon. Her head would take time to adjust to the brightness. Just outside by a small campfire stood Alistair. He was gazing out over the water of the swampy lake, his expression saying he was lost in thought as the reeds swayed gently in the breeze. It was a stunning scene as the last of the light painted the sky with pink and orange and glinted off the chain of his armor. There was a single tear that had fallen down his cheek. Her heart went out to him. Everyone was dead, except for them. She had barely known Duncan, but he had seemed a decent man who could be both funny and companionable when the mood struck him. Before she could approach him, Morrigan's mother spotted her and said, "See! Here is your fellow Grey Warden now. You worry too much."

Alistair spun to get a look at her, a small relief settling over his features. "You... you're alive... I thought you were dead for sure." The relief in his tone matched that in his face.

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