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Solona had never worn so many frilly dresses in her lifetime as she did in the next eight months. Alistair kept her close at court, asking her opinion while he took it upon himself to study up on the finer aspects of ruling a kingdom. She was proud of how far he had come so quickly. The people adored him as he ruled fairly and took the time to get out of the palace and move among them as a human being. So far, there had been no trace of Morrigan, and Solona was not surprised. She had heard vague rumors about a woman matching Morrigan's description, but nothing solid enough to pursue.

One afternoon, she was sitting in her appointed place at Alistair's left elbow when a woman was brought before the court who had short dark hair and wore heavy red steel chainmail. She carried a sword at her hip and a shield on her back and she knelt before the dais. "Your Majesty. I was sent from Amaranthine with a summons for the Warden Commander."

Solona sat forward. "For me?" she asked. "What is this about?"

The woman started, her eyes flicking to Solona. She was apparently not accustomed to anyone but the king addressing her in court. She stuttered. "The Grey Wardens from Orlais have arrived and they wish for the Warden Commander to be present. That is all I was told."

Solona glanced at Alistair who frowned. "I was under the impression that Weisshaupt was sending someone to fill in while the Enchanter to the Throne remained in Denerim," Alistair corrected, using her court title instead of the one that the Wardens had heaped on her.

As the woman lowered her eyes and panicked, not having an answer for them, Solona reached out and rested a hand on Alistair's forearm. "It's okay. There's no harm if I take a few weeks to go sort things out in Amaranthine."

He pressed his lips together, but when her eyes rolled, he sighed. "Very well. Enchanter Amell will accompany you to Amaranthine."

The woman dipped her head in thanks and was dismissed, backing out of the throne room. "Why do you think they want me there?" she asked Alistair.

"I don't know, but I don't relish sending you on your own," he grumbled getting up from his seat and stretching. The fine leathers he wore topped with a light blue doublet brought out the blue of his eyes, even as he narrowed them in suspicion. "I think I might need to prepare a royal welcome for the Orlesian Wardens."

She pursed her lips and stood as well, the silken dress pooling around her feet. "I doubt its anything nefarious. I am Warden Commander of Ferelden. In all rights, I should be in Amaranthine anyway."

He chuckled. "But I like it so much better when you're here," he reminded her, pulling her to him and laying a soft kiss on her lips.

It had been months since they had bothered to attempt hiding their relationship. Far too many chamber maids with loose lips worked in the castle. The cat was out of the bag, as it were, and neither of them saw any reason to be discreet. It made them look like they were doing something wrong. She smiled up at him then tapped his nose with a fingertip. "You can follow along if you wish, but I'm going on ahead. It will take you far too long to assemble an entourage. I can leave this afternoon."

"Will you be taking horses?" he asked with a raised brow, glancing down at the leg that he knew still gave her trouble.

She snorted. "Do we not recall the disaster in the training ring? I don't do horses."

"Then me and my slow entourage are likely to beat you there," he said with a teasing laugh.

"Is that a challenge, Your Majesty?" she asked with a grin.

"Of course it is. May the best man win," he grinned.

"The best woman," she corrected and kissed him quickly before turning in her skirts and practically hopping down the dais stairs to rush to her rooms and get her things ready.

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