1. Class Of Seventy Nine

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"Change is inevitable, change is inevitable, change
is inevitable." Michael continued to repeat those same three words as he clenched his eyes so tight that he could feel a potential headache. Every fiber in Michael's being was consumed with nerves for reasons anyone would be deemed anxious of—a haircut.

Michael was getting the afro that he wore with
much black power and pride chopped down.

His right-hand gal, Abhaya, inspired this idea.

About a week ago, Michael and Abhaya were sauntering around their local neighborhood as he dropped off newspapers to different doors, which happened to be his part-time job. The two of them disclosed how excited they were for graduation and the party taking place on graduation night.

During the course of the conversation, Michael mentioned how he wanted to do something different for himself that indicated his transition to adulthood.

Being the eccentric woman she was, Abhaya suggested that he get a nose piercing or a tattoo. All suggestions that Michael heavily disagreed with. He didn't want his mother to have a heart attack which he was sure would happen if she saw him with a tattoo of a red dragon on his back or a silver hoop hanging through the septum of his nose.

So, with those ideas being completely thrown out
the mix, Abhaya thought of something she considered less exaggerated. Getting rid of his Afro.

Michael was against that as well at first.

He was completely baffled that she even suggested such a thing since she knew how much his hair meant to him and how much she helped him maintain it.  He wore his Afro with extreme pride and dignity. His afro stood for what he represented, black empowerment.

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