21. A Second Chance

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Three Hours Later.

Abhaya watched Michael stare at his reflection
with uneasiness. He had been watching himself for the past thirty minutes now, and it made her feel on guard, like she had to be ready for what Michael could potentially do to himself. Abhaya knew Michael's state of mind was in bad shape.

For what reason? She didn't know.

"Michael...I think we should just go to the hospital and make sure you're alright." She suggested.

His eyes didn't leave the mirror, but he moved his lips. "I'm not going. I'm fine." He was far from fine.

"Michael, you had a heat stroke. I think we need—" She silenced herself as Michael slowly turned his head towards the left to look at her.

His emotionless eyes and tense demeanor made Abhaya inwardly gulp. Michael was on edge. It didn't take a rocket scientist to realize that. He lifted his pointer finger before bringing it towards the left side
of his neck. Where the newest patch was located.

Abhaya's eyes followed along to where he was pointing and suddenly realized that that wasn't there a few days ago. This was new. She put all the pieces together and concluded why Michael was acting the way he was.

The turtleneck in hundred-degree weather made complete sense to her now.

"Do you like my new tattoo?" He asked her as a
smile danced upon his lips. Abhaya stood quiet as
she continued to watch him."Do you like Abhaya?"

He asked again. His voice was more firm and aggressive. Abhaya knew Michael was demanding
an answer from her. "Michael..." She sighed before
she began to speak again.

"You know your disease doesn't define—" Michael's dry and unmoved laughter caused her to cut herself off. "If I hear someone say that one more time..." He shook his head and took a slight pause before voicing out his true feelings about his skin disease.

"It does define me, Abhaya. When you see an amputated veteran, the first thing that comes to
your mind is that they're missing a limb. Not that
they risked their lives for this bullshit ass country. Someone's disability or whatever out-of-the-ordinary disease they have is going to define them.
It always will."

Instead of interjecting, Abhaya decided to just listen
to him speak and express himself. In her mind, she knew there wasn't much she could say to make Michael feel better. He had a disease that no one understood or knew about. She knew Michael felt all alone when it came to his condition.

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