8.Dream, Dream, Dream

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Dreams occur involuntarily.

Everything you dream of is unexpected and nine
times out of ten unexplainable.

While I was physically unconscious, my brain was
still functioning with all the correct receptors.

So, I had a dream.

A dream of being in a van with Ricky, Angel, and Michael. I didn't know where we were going but
I kept seeing unsharpened pencils everywhere, so Pennsylvania kept popping up into my head for
some strange reason.

In the dream, I felt so tranquil, content with life even. The four of us were prototypes of nomadic hippies.

We sang about peace, we shared our love physically, and we got high. I never had a dream so buoyant and carefree before. I almost didn't want to wake up from my dream, but I figured that I would experience that dream in real life if I did. So I awakened.

The first thing I saw was a white ceiling, and the first thing I felt was the freezing air inside the room.

My eyes shifted down to see Ricky's head laying against my covered legs as his lower body was sitting inside a chair. He looked highly uncomfortable, but it made me smile that he put himself in that awkward position just to be close to me, to know that I was still here.I remembered hearing his voice ringing in my head as he told me to "stay away from the fucking light." I hated putting him in that scary situation.

But I needed him to hug me like he usually did when I came to him with my problems.

Ricky's love was hard to find and quite tricky to interpret; it only came out when he felt as if he needed it to be shown. I only ever saw his love when I leaned onto him for emotional support, and I tried not to do that very often.I knew Ricky hated being vulnerable, so I never badgered him on opening his heart, but when he did, it was like a breath of fresh air that you wanted to breathe over and over again.

"Ricky." I drowsily stated. "Ricky."

Suddenly, the door opened, Michael sauntered inside with two large coffees in both hands.

He used his mouth to hold onto a white bag with a McDonald's logo on the front. My eyes were low from how tired I felt, so he didn't notice that I was up.

I waited for him to place all the food down before speaking because I didn't want him to drop anything and waste all the money he spent on an egg, cheese, and bacon biscuit sandwich with the grape and strawberry jelly mixed.That was his favorite.

Summer 79' | MJ FFWhere stories live. Discover now