10. Lets Ride

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Two days had passed since Ricky agreed to take Abhaya on her dream trip. If anyone else had asked Ricky to go on some irrational and unexpected trip, he would've declined and not have a second thought about it, but for Abhaya, it was different. If a trip were going to make her happy, then he would take her on a trip. So, with little to no time, Ricky had managed to get Abhaya's dream trip in motion.

He borrowed a nice-sized van for travel from
his cousin; he wrote out directions and mapped up different places and certain sights so he wouldn't get lost while driving; everything was almost ready. Now, all he had to do was sneak Abhaya out of the hospital, pick up Angel and Michael, then drive off into the sunset.

"So, how are we doing this again?" Abhaya asked.

The two currently reside in her hospital room, planning for the great escape, which would take place in approximately five minutes.

"Abhaya! If I repeat this plan one more time, I'm
going to fucking snap." Ricky said with frustration, "Stop acting like a blonde. Now, for the last time, when security uses the restroom, which is soon, we will go out the back exit where the van is parked. For two days, I've been analyzing everything. I'll take you to your house so you can pack your shit, and then we'll pick up Angel and Michael.

A surfeit of emotions flooded Abhaya's heart at the mentioning of Michael.

She didn't want Michael to come on this trip for
a variety of reasons: she was distraught that he didn't feel the same, guilt was starting to consume her from the spiteful words she said to him out of anger, and the embarrassment of pouring her heart out to Michael—then telling him that she wanted to fuck him—wasn't letting her sleep well at night. Being around Michael didn't seem like a good idea to her at the moment.

"I don't want Michael to come! I thought I already told you that," Abhaya complained.

She folded her arms across her chest and pouted like
a child, which furthered Ricky's irritation. Yesterday, when Ricky was going over the plan with Abhaya, she mentioned how she wanted to exclude Michael from the dream trip, which he didn't understand since they were usually conjoined at the hip.

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