33. I Wanna Be Your Lover

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Abhaya was relaxing on the couch in her living
room, casually scrolling through a seventeen-issued magazine, when suddenly her house phone rang. Not taking her eyes away from the magazine, she placed her hand over the arm of the couch and grabbed the telephone off of the hook.

She scooted a bit towards the end of the sofa before placing the chocolate brown telephone in between the crook of her neck and pressing it up against her ear.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hey Abhaya, it's Ricky." She felt her heart suddenly drop at the sound of his voice. She hadn't heard from him since he confessed his feelings for her.

That had been almost five days ago.

"H—Hey Ricky." She slightly stuttered.

"How are you doing?" He casually asked as if he
didn't just hand Abhaya his heart a few days ago.

Ricky was always good at being relaxed about
things. "I'm doing. Ummm. I'm doing fine. You?"

She heard a few crunching noises on the other
line. It sounded as though Ricky was eating an apple, perhaps. Apples were his favorite fruit, the green ones. "I'm good. I was wondering if you were busy tonight, around ten?" He asked.

Abhaya was a bit hesitant to answer. She didn't
know what he would ask her. If it were something
on the lines of the two of them being alone, she would have to decline since she didn't trust herself around him. She was a very impulsive person.

"Hello? Abhaya, did you hear what I said?" The sound of Ricky's voice suddenly snapped her into reality.

"Uhh, yes! Yes uh, I'm free, wassup?"

"I'm having a show with my band at the Blue Bass.
I wasn't going to ask you to come at first because I'm a bit nervous for you to see the show, but you're a great friend of mines, and I would love your support."

Abhaya smiled a bit. She wasn't used to Ricky being so...sweet.

"Of course I'll come.! I wouldn't miss it for the world." Ricky was now the one smiling against the other line. He was nervous yet excited for her to come because he was performing what was written about her.

"Great! Well, I'll see you later night...bye." "Bye, Ricky." The both of them hung up.

Abhaya felt her face suddenly heat up for no reason
at all. She placed the back of her hands against her face and shook her head, inwardly shunning herself
for liking Ricky. "What the hell is wrong with me."

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