Chapter 1

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Arya Stark stood at the front of her ship, watching the horizon. She was eager to sail back to her home but was nervous about the differences she would discover in the new Westeros since she had left five years ago. Though Arya stopped back in Westeros for supplies and soldiers, Arya continued on her journey, searching for something, but she didn't know what.

Westeros was definitely different. It was more peaceful and there weren't as many wars as there have been in the past. With the North being a separate kingdom, there was a change of how supplies were spread about. Sansa had made the North very successful ever since she became the queen of the North. Bran had been working on rebuilding King's Landing and how the kingdoms would be ruled over.

Arya's attention was taken away from the land in front of her when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Lady Arya," her maester said, making her turn around to face him. "We will be arriving in Storm's End by tonight for supplies and some rest."

"Thank you, Maester Wallace." Arya nodded, sighing as she walked back to her cabin to gather her things.

Arya was dreading arriving in Storm's End but she had to in order to gather supplies for her continuing journey. The small woman continued to go through her things to take into Westeros. As she was doing so, Arya picked up the dagger Gendry had made for her before she left Westeros. It had come in handy quite a few times and Arya was grateful Gendry was a good blacksmith.

A few hours later, the ship had docked in Storm's End and most of her crew had already left the ship but Arya was hesitant to see the person whose heart she had broken five years ago. She knew deep down in her heart that he had not moved on, even though she had told him numerous times before to do so. Instead of eating in the dining hall of Storm's End with everybody else, Arya sat on her ship sharpening Needle and any other knives and swords she could find just so she wouldn't have to go into the castle.

"I thought I'd find you here." A familiar male voice said, making Arya lift her head when she recognized it.

"Hello, Gendry," was all she said, not wanting to make the reunion more awkward than it already was.

"Hello. Why aren't with your crew in the dining hall? You must be needing a warm meal."

"I don't know. Just not hungry, I suppose." Arya shrugged her shoulders and kept working away.

"Bullshit. Since when has Arya Stark been not hungry?" Gendry said walking closer to where she was sitting.

"A lot has changed in five years, Lord Baratheon."

"Well, I as Lord of Storm's End invite you personally to come to the dining hall with me to eat, milady." Gendry held out his hand, making Arya look up from her work for the first time.

Gendry looked different but in a good way. He looked more dignified but strong as well. Arya took his hand and was pulled up into a gentle kiss on the lips. Arya was shocked at first but relaxed into the kiss.

"I apologize. I had to do that." Gendry sheepishly pulled away.

"Why?" Arya asked.

"I've missed you, Arya. A lot." Gendry took Arya's face in his hands.

"Me too but I assume that you've married in the past five years," Arya said, putting one of her hands on top of his.

"I have not. I've been waiting for you. I love you, Arya." Gendry leaned down and gave her another kiss. Arya smiled in the kiss.

"Gendry, I love you too. I missed you every time we would explore a new land. I kept thinking about how much you would love each place and the moments we would share but I had a doubt that you had moved on."

"Well, I promise that I have thought about you since the day you left. Now, let us go inside out of the cold and get ourselves a warm meal." Gendry kissed the top of Arya's head and guided her towards the dining hall of Storm's End.

A/N: I hope you liked this first chapter of my Gendrya book!

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