Chapter 3

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Suddenly, the whole room erupted. Arya and Gendry stood up immediately and tries to make sense of the commotion. 

"Shut it!" Arya's voice echoed throughout the room. "This decision is final. I will compensate you for your journeys home but our mission is done." Arya was standing on top of a table, making her look bigger than she was. The men slumped down in their seats and continued to talk to each other. 

Arya jumped down from the table and looked up to Gendry smiling. 

"What?" Arya sat down in her chair.

"Nothing. I'm just proud. That's all." Gendry kissed Arya's head and sat down as well. "You know how to make a whole room of burly men cower at the sound of your voice. It's amazing really." Arya chuckled and shook her head. 

After sitting and talking in the dining hall for about an hour, Gendry and Arya decided to walk through the gardens. The couple walked slowly through the gardens, walking close together but not close enough for suspecting eyes to make assumptions. 

"Arya, why did you decide to stay?" Gendry stopped in his tracks and turned towards Arya. 

"For once in my life, I deserve a permanent home. After King's Landing, I never had a home that I felt like I could make my future. Here, in Storm's End, that changed. I realized I still love you and I am not ready to leave any time soon," Arya said, pulling Gendry closer to her. Gendry smiled and kissed her forehead. 

"Well, you are always welcome here," Gendry told her. They continued to walk through the paths. 

"As long as you are with me, I am always home." Arya grabbed Gendry's hand and entangled her fingers with his. 

The couple walked back into the castle and into their quarters to find Maester Wallace sitting in a chair next to the window. 

"Ah, Lady Arya. I need to have a word with you, in private if possible." Maester Wallace stood up and walked over to the young woman. 

"I'll be okay. Just wait outside." Arya kissed Gendry on the cheek before he turned and walked back out the door and shut it.

"What is it you need to ask me, Maester?" Arya sat on her bed. 

"When did you last bleed, my lady?" Maester Wallace asked, sitting back down in the chair he was sitting in earlier. Arya had to think about it for a bit but was able to answer the maester's question. 

"One month ago, while we were on the sea. We've only been here for a few days." 

"Lady Arya, you were supposed to start your monthly bleeding a week ago. I know for a fact that you and Lord Gendry have been active if you know what I mean. Is it alright if I do a quick exam?" Arya nodded and laid back in the bed, allowing Maester Wallace access to do what was needed. "Everything looks normal but if you start feeling sick soon or your breasts start to swell, please come see me immediately. Well, I leave you be." Maester Wallace walked out slowly, letting Gendry back into the room. 

"Is everything okay?" Gendry kissed Arya's head, helping her up from her laying her position. 

"Yeah, my monthly blood is late but everything is fine. There is nothing to worry about, love." Arya pulled Gendry in for a kiss on the lips. The couple changed out of their restricting clothes and laid in the bed dressed in their underclothes. Arya had her head on Gendry's chest, while Gendry's arms kept Arya close to him. 

Gendry rubbed his thumb over Arya's scar on her stomach, laying his chin on the top of her head. Arya was curled up to his warm body, arms lazily around his torso. The two stayed like this for a while until Gendry interrupted the long silence. 

"Arya, marry me." Arya sat up slowly, shocked at the sudden proposal. 

"Pardon?" Arya asked him. 

"Marry me. I just want you to be my wife and lady of Storm's End. You don't have to do anything else differently. The only thing that will change is your title." Gendry also sat up, taking Arya's hands. "Please, I just want to spend my life with you." He lifted her hands to his lips and kissed her fingers. 

"Okay," Arya said quietly, nodding her head. 

"What was that, milady?" Gendry moved closer to her, pulling her into his body. 

"Yes, I will marry you. And how many times do I have to tell you not to  call me lady." Arya pulled Gendry in for a kiss. Gendry reciprocated the kiss and pulled her down to the bed. 

The next morning, Arya woke up to an empty bed. She was still naked from the night before and smiled at the thought of her engagement to Gendry. She walked over to her drunk of clothes and slipped on a clean pair of pants and a clean shirt. She tied her hair into a bun on the top of her head so that her bedhead wasn't evident. As she was washing her face in the basin of warm water one of the maids had brought in, Gendry walked in. 

"I thought you would still be asleep," Gendry said walking towards Arya who was wiping the water off of her face. He pulled her in for a morning kiss. "I had a meeting with some of the counsel but I am free for the rest of the day." Gendry sat down on the edge of the bed, Arya followed and sat on his lap. 

"Good. I only have to send ravens to Sansa and Bran about our engagement. That only takes me little time so we can do anything we want." Arya leaned down and kissed Gendry on the lips. 

"I bet they'll be shocked to hear that Arya Stark, the stubborn girl that swore she would never marry, is getting married." Arya chuckled at Gendry's comment and kissed him again. 

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