Chapter 4

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A few days later, Arya sat at the table in her and Gendry's bedroom, writing scrolls to her siblings, telling them of her new engagement to Gendry. Arya knew that Sansa would be delighted to help her plan a wedding and Bran would just smile and say something smart that she wouldn't understand. 

When she was done, she sealed the letters with Baratheon sigil and gave them to Maester Wallace to send off. Gendry enjoyed watching Arya work away on important things, but he enjoyed being in her company more. 

"Well, I don't have any more work to do for the day. How about we go for a walk? I need to move my legs a bit." Gendry smiled and kissed her forehead. 

"Sure. I would love that." The couple tied on their boots and Arya grabbed Needle. Gendry gave her a look of confusion. 

"What? You never know." Arya replied. Gendry took her hand and lead her out to the town. 

"I have a feeling that the people of Storm's End are excited to have a Stark as their new lady," Gendry told her as they walked past the many houses of Storm's End citizens. 

"Lady Arya! I have a gift!" A young girl came running up to the couple, holding something wrapped in cloth. 

"Hanna! I'm sorry Lady Arya." The little girl's mother came running after her daughter. 

"No, it's alright," Arya said to Hanna's mother. "What do you have for me, little one?" Arya turned back to the little girl. 

"I baked you some bread. It's shaped like a wolf." Hanna handed the warm bread to Arya, who smiled as she remembered Hot Pie and his obsession with baking and cooking. 

"Thank you, Hanna. I will enjoy it very much." Arya gave Hanna a quick squeeze and lead her back towards her mother. 

"We thank you for your kindness, Lady Arya." Hanna's mother said as she led her daughter back home. Arya nodded and turned back to Gendry who had a large smile on his face. 

"You're a natural lady, even if you won't accept the title." Gendry kissed her head and pulled her to continue walking. 

Arya ripped a piece of bread off and stuck into her mouth. She was surprised that someone so small could bake something so delicious. She stopped and turned back towards Hanna and her mother and yelled: "This is delicious!" Hanna smiled back with glee as Arya waved and went back to walking. 

The couple shared the bread as they walked. They decided to sit by a creek and watched nature happen. While Arya was traveling around Westeros after her father's death, she felt comfort in listening to the leaves and watching forest animals and critters. It reminded her of home when her father and brothers would go for a walk around the forest and her father made her stay quiet by telling her to listen to the wind or watch deer. 

They sat on a log, Arya's head was on Gendry's shoulder and Gendry had his arm around Arya's waist loosely. "Gendry, I have something to tell you," Arya said, lifting her head from her betrothed's shoulder. 

"What is it, love?" Gendry kissed Arya's hair.

"I want to get married." 

"I know that, Arya. We are already engaged." Gendry chuckled, kissing Arya's knuckled

"No, I mean now, as soon as we possibly can." Arya pulled her hands away from Gendry's grip and stood up. 

"I can make that happen. I am the lord of Storm's End. When do you want to get married?" Gendry stood up and pulled Arya into a hug, kissing her forehead slowly. 

"Tonight." Arya pulled Gendry closer. "We can marry under the godswood with Maester Wallace and then have a ceremony with our families later. I don't want to wait any longer. 

"Okay." Gendry leaned down and kissed her softly. 

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