Chapter 5

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Gendry stood waiting under the godswood with Maester Wallace, waiting for Arya to arrive while wrapped in his furs. When Gendry went to wake Maester Wallace, Arya wanted to dress appropriately for the occasion. 

Soon, Arya arrived, dressed in the outfit from the council to vote on her brother taking the throne of the Six Kingdoms along with some furs to keep warm. Gendry took her bare hands, trying to warm them with his warm ones. They both look at each other and nod before looking towards Maester Wallace to start. 

"May the gods, the old and the new, watch as this woman and man come together as one in marriage. Now, I will combine your hands as one." Maester Wallace wraps a piece of cloth around their hands. Arya's small hand sat gently atop Gendry's large hand. 

"Gendry, do you take Arya as your wife?" Maester Wallace asked. 

"I do," Gendry replied, squeezing Arya's hand in comfort. 

"Arya, do you take Gendry as your husband?" 

"I do," Arya said. 

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Congratulations." Maester Wallace says, walking away from the godswood. 

Arya and Gendry kissed for the first time as husband and wife. Arya smiled into the kiss and Gendry picked her up and carried her back to their sleeping quarters. 

Arya was laid down on the featherbed, Gendry kissing her neck and undoing the ties on Arya's outfit. He knew Arya liked this outfit so he made sure to undo it as carefully as possible. Once Arya was undressed, Gendry leaned down and started to kiss down Arya's body. Arya moaned in pleasure as Gendry kissed her center. 

"Gendry, fuck me now." Arya groaned. Gendry just chuckled and continued to kiss his wife on the lips while he prepped himself to enter Arya. 

As the couple continued the consummation of their marriage, they laid named in bed, the sheets only covering half of their sweaty bodies. 

"I missed you." Arya kissed Gendry's bare chest. "I thought about you all the time while I was at sea." 

"I missed you too. It was a long five years but it was worth it. Now I am married to the most beautiful woman in Westeros." Gendry kissed his wife's lips. 

"You think I'm beautiful?" Arya sat up on her side, her head in her hand. 

"Of course I do. Why do you ask?" Gendry asked as he cocked his head to the side, like a curious puppy. 

"All my life I was told that I was ugly and had a horse-face. That was my nickname for a while." Arya looked down, playing with the sheets that were barely covering her breasts. 

"I never thought that. They were probably just jealous that they weren't as strong-minded as you." Gendry put his hands to his wife's face. "I picked you, a long time ago." He kissed her forehead and pulled her to his chest 

Arya smiled. "I picked you too." 

The next morning, the newlyweds woke up to a knocking on the door. Arya groaned as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. She slipped on her pants and undershirt before opening the door. 

"My lady, please forgive me but I have a letter for you, from Winterfell." Maester Wallace said, handing her the small piece of paper before walking away. Arya wondered why she would get a letter from her sister. 

She unrolled it, reading it quickly. Gendry was now sat up in bed, stretching. 

"What is it, love?" Gendry asked his wife as he stood up and kissed her on the lips gently. 

"Sansa replied to the letter I sent her. She congratulates us and has already left for Storm's End. She also says that she is engaged as well and is bringing her betrothed with her to the wedding." Arya said, smiling. "I'm just glad that she has found love after all that she has been through."

"That's great." Gendry wrapped his arms around Arya. "I'm starving. Let's go get breakfast." 

A few weeks later, a ship with the Stark sigil arrives in the Storm's End port. Arya stood at the end of the pier waiting for her sister to exit the ship. Once she saw Sansa's fire-red hair, Arya smiled. 

"Arya," Sansa ran over to her younger sister and hugged her tight. "It's so good to see you." 

"You too. Now, where is that soon-to-be-husband of yours?" Arya replied. 

"Tyrion's gathering his last bit of things from the ship." 

"Wait, the Imp? You're marrying the Imp again?" Arya was stunned. 

"He was good to me. Even though the marriage was annulled the first time, we found love with each other after the Battle of Winterfell. He's never forced himself on me and he's a good man even though he has a drinking problem. Please, Arya." 

"I believe you. Tyrion is a good man. I just wasn't expecting it to be Tyrion you are marrying." The two young women walked into the castle arm in arm for the first time in years. 

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