Timothy - Nervous

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Why am I so nervous? Its just a girl...I've been with tons of girls before and never in my life I feel this certain longing for someone....what have you done to me?...I probably sound like an elementary boy who saw his crush walk by....urgh I'm so lame!!.

Pull yourself together Timothy Peter! You got this!!

I nervously exhaled...shit its not working!
I'm shaking....my palms are sweaty...
I checked my phone
7:30 PM.

*Phone Ring*

What the fuck! That startled me I almost dropped my phone...


Dude..What took you so long...?

Uhm I'm fixing my hair

For two hours?! You said that hours ago..Are you still coming?

Yeah...I'll be there...

¤Call end¤

here goes nothing....


Deep breaths Timothy you can do this....Maria is just a girl...your a man....

I entered the club and searched for Francisco...I saw him in a table corner with two girls... Maria...and wtf?! Julio?!

Why the hell is he doing here?.

"TIMOTHY!!..." I hear Francisco called..and Julio are no where near Maria's instead he and a girl are very close..good keep it that way!

"Francisco....hi guys" I gave him a hug then waved at them... nice act Timothy..again play...it...cool!

" Timothy this is my cousin Mariá...her beautiful friends Leah and Veronica..and Julio...Maria's I don't know boyfriend? " Fransisco said...

" Fransisco...stop it" she laughed then playfully pushed him... "he is not my boyfriend he is my friend" Maria explained laughing...she's too adorable to look at..I didn't notice that was staring at her with the biggest smile on my face...

"Oh please as If I would believe that maria" he joked..

"...*laughing* ..you are the worst" they giggled...

Then focused her attention to me...."hi...my name is Maria Camila Fernandez...nice to meet you.." she leveled her hand to shake my hand...."and I'm assuming...you are Timothy? Yah?" She said showing off her perfect shiny teeth...

I'm drowning

"Yeah*voice cracks* Timothy Peter Jones..." I said and shakes her hand...goddamnit! Why?!..Why did my voice decided to crack now?!

I mentally face palm myself..

"...you ok bro?" Julio asked..with his hands on my shoulder...I gave him a death glare. He  laughed and raise both his hands in surrender.

Embarrassed I sat down and drank a bottle of beer..... now she's gonna think I'm some sort of weak guy...how am I gonna face her now?! Urgh I'm usually over confident about seducing a woman but now..it seemed like all of my confidence evaporated in thin air....i sigh in exasperation..

"Julio....wanna dance?"  Maria's friend  Veronica asked Julio to dance... he looked at Maria for approval.. She just laughed and said "go stupid! have fun...I'm not your mom!..
Oh and Veronica! WATCH HIM Its his first time ever entering a club" I laughed in my head

"Well! Don't tell them that...!" he blushed in embarrassment and glared at her. She just laughed and gave him a flying kiss and then waved.."goodluck Kid!" She said it as if she is his mom I laughed..

Yes! I was left with Maria alone....

".hi!...so..?" I started the conversation.... moving closer to her..she faced me and then smiled.."we actually met...at a dance downtown...re..re..remember" I blushed as I stuttered...

"Yes! actually yeah..." she moved closer to me..I can feel her body closer to me...god this is killing me...why am I feeling this way?

"Oh..yah and...at the diner? I saw you..I mean you work there? Right?" She gave me the most seductive glare and stared at my lips...hoo! Its getting hot in here...what am I a teenager?!

"Yes? And?" She challenged me in her soft high pitched voice as her body moved closer to me...

"..geesh..ahhmm...where is Francisco??" I asked.... changing the topic I'M FREAKIN OUT!

what's happening to me.?!! What is this...it seems like I'm not in control! She is...this never happened to me...I'M SO FUCKING LAME..she's probably making fun of me...I looked away from her.my hands are drenched.. body are stiff..my mind, empty...I took a big breath!

I can feel her lips on my ear and whispered...
" they're probably somewhere making out right now..." she bit my ear....I am sure that My face is now fifty shade redder than normal...this girl will be the death of me..I came here to play with her but turns out I'm the one being played...

"Is that really what you wanna ask me? Because we can do this all night...." she whispered in my ear....I can feel her breath on my skin...I wanted more. But my body seemed to stiffed...

"I..- *Gulped* I swear *voice cracks* I'm cool" I said. I mentally punched myself...urgh! I sound so lame!...all my confidence evaporated in thin air....but I don't mind surrendering to her..with her, I wanted more...

I can hear a giggling..."your so cute when you blush Peter...I..*she bit her lip* like it...."

I don't know how it happened or how I manage to make this work....but all of the sudden were locked inside a motel room naked.... fighting for dominance....
Its still a mystery to me...onto how I end up losing...but there is only one thing that I am most certain of...I need to see her again ....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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