Chapter Three

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As I made my way to the football field with the camera in my hand I realized my heart was beating really fast. I knew exactly why.

My plan was to snap a few pictures, avoid Matt and leave as soon as possible. But of course that wasn't going to happen. As I was stepping outside Stacey, the sports editor for the schools newspaper stopped me.

"Hey Ellie, so I know you're on your way to take pictures of football practice and I was wondering if there was anyway you would be able to snap some shots for me?" She asked, "I'm writing an article on the team before the first game and I need a couple pictures. I would do it myself but I have to go take my brother to his appointment."

"Uhhh yeah sure" I replied.

"Great! Oh and here" she said handing me a piece of paper "some interview questions I need from Matt. Just get his answers and I'll pick them up tomorrow. Thanks so much! Bye."

"Wait w-what?" I choked. But it was no use she was already half way across the parking lot.

I looked down at the paper in my hand. This cannot be happening. There is no way I'm going to talk to Matt, or more like he is not going to talk to me.


"Why do bad things happen to good people" I muttered to myself.

I approached the field slowly. Hoping maybe Matt got sick and couldn't make it to practice. But no, there he was standing on the sideline... with his shirt off. His back was to me, which was good or then he would probably see me drooling over him. And trust me I was trying not to but he did have a really nice back.

It took everything in me to look away and continue down the field. I reached coach Rimkus and told him what I was doing. He nodded and said it was fine. I don't know if Matt noticed me yet but there is no way I was going to try and make eye contact.

I took a couple pictures and then settled by the bench where the guys drinks were. I was trying to come up with a good excuse as to why I didn't interview Matt when someone picked up the Gatorade next to my foot.

"Last time I checked we did not have a girl on the team" he said smirking.

I held up the camera, "it's for yearbook and the newspaper" I said not really glancing at him.

"Oh really? Are you sure they aren't for your own pleasure?" He asked

I looked at him this time. His messy brown hair and dark green eyes belonged to no one other than Carson. He was definitely the biggest flirt in school. And even though he and Matt had the same group of friends they were complete opposites. Carson was loud and never really thought about what he was going to say before he said it, while Matt was more conservative.  But then again I didn't really know Matt anymore so I could be wrong. One thing they did have in common was they never stayed with the same girl for more than a week. At first I felt bad for the girls but then I realized they knew how the guys were but still choose to hook up with them.

Looking at Carson now I couldn't help but roll my eyes "a bunch of sweaty guys jumping on top of each other? No, trust me it's not for my pleasure" I replied.

"Woah that kind of hurt my feelings" he said while putting his hand to his heart.

"Poor baby, I'm so sorry Carson. Please don't cry" this time I smirked

"See that's not fair, you know my name but I don't know yours" he took another sip of his drink

"It's Ellie. And we had the same math class junior year" I said

"No way. I would have remembered a pretty girl like you" I knew this was Carson's nature, flirting. But I still couldn't help blushing. I was so caught up in the conversation I didn't notice someone else had walked over to where Carson and i were.

"How about instead of practicing on your flirting skills you work on your throwing" said Matt while grabbing his own drink.

Carson laughed and got up, "i'll see you around Ellie." And then he jogged away.

Matt stayed though. He was standing about three feet away from me. It felt like someone was sitting on my chest, I could not breathe.

He cleared his throat and I knew this was my only chance. So I turned to him, "uh hey so I'm suppose to ask you some questions for the schools newspaper, if you don't want to I understand its just that Stacey asked me to do it and it's really important for her but I mean-"


I stopped talking. Never did I think I would get to hear him say my name again. But what caught me off guard the most was he said my full name. I couldn't believe he remembered how much I hated people calling me Ellie. Especially when I was younger, if I did something bad my parents would call me Ellie. It made me feel like a little girl.

"I have to get back to practice but just give me the questions and I'll drop them off later once I've answered them" he said looking down at me, "is that okay?"

I nodded. And handed him the paper.

He then gave me a small smile and walked away.

I grabbed my stuff and left the field as fast as I could. On my way home I could help but think about the fact that I was going to have to see Matt again later tonight.


I'm so happy people are actually reading! I'm sorry I'm such a slow poke at updating.

Any advice on how to improve would be very helpful.

Thanks :)


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