Birthday girl! (chapter 1)

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Reader's POV

It was just another boring day at school.It was my last class and it's math.I was staring out the window waiting for the bell to go letting us go home.I was startled by a bang on my desk causing me to turn and see Mr.Snow glaring at me with the rest of the students quietly giggling.

"Not paying attention miss (L/N)."Mr.Snow proceeded to scold me but I didn't bothering listening since all the kids heard the bell.I was about to get up but my teacher grabbed my arm and shoved two booked into my hands."Finish this and you might not get detention."He let go of me and walked off and I grabbed my bag and put it onto my shoulder then walked out of the boring math classroom.

I walked down the halls then out the door meting up with my best friend.She was waiting outside talking to her boyfriend till she saw me and walked over kissing him goodbye.I was about to say something till she interrupted me and grabbed the collar of my shirt lift me slightly off the ground in the process.

"listen bitch don't you dare ever talk to me again!"She yelled into my ear as I looked at her hurt and shocked.She then shoved me onto the ground and walked off,My books were scattered around me and my bag was off my back and on the floor as I sat there.I got up and picked up my things as I walked at a fast pace out of the school.

Tears threated to fall but I refused as I walked my normal rout home.I walked up my drive to my front door.I heard my mother call for me in the kitchen so I proceeded to walk there will a fake smile.I walked in and saw my mother with a warm loving smile as she put her stuff on the family table then turned to me with the same smile.

"How was school honey,"My mother asked kindly.I walked towards her and dumped my bag on the ground near the hallway.I proceeded smile.

"It was good,Mom"You said as you sat on the table and your mother went off to the phone since it was ringing.I continued to sit at the table waiting for her to return.After awhile she came back with a slight sad expression."what's wrong mom?"I asked with concer in my voice as she stood in front of me.

"You father can't make it for your birthday,"My mother spoke putting her phone next to me as I let my face drop into a frown.I really wanted all my family to be there for my birthday but my father is always busy with his new job.My mother held my shoulders and said that she loved me and my father.I smiled then she walked off saying she had to go do things around the house.I got up and walked upstairs to my bedroom with was the furthest down the hall.I opened the door the door and then shut it.I fell onto my bed and hugged my knees to my chest remembering what happened after school.

The rest off the day was boring,I took a shower then went to bed.When I woke up it was the weekend and more importantly my birthday.I got out of bed and ran downstairs to see my mom on the couch.I smiled along with her and hugged her then sat next to her.

"good morning sweetheart how was your sleep."My mother got up and walked to a table near the fireplace which had a large present wrapped in rainbow wrapping paper.I answered with a plain 'it was okay' as she walked back over with the present in her hands.Excitement filled my eyes as I looked at the gift.She handed it to me as I began to rip it open and saw a human like face slightly startling me.I continued to open the gift to see it was a Buddi doll,One of the newly designed ones to.I squeaked out in joy since it looked so cute. (I actually did this when I say the trailer he's adorable even and cuter when he's holding the knife...I'm into weird things lol)

My mom saw my joy and smiled as she left the room to do something but all my interest was one the doll.I opened the box and got him out then looked at the intrusions for a second till I throw them back into the box and looked at the doll.I was about to turn him over and see if I can turn him on till a bright red light shot out from his eyes and scanned,I felt slight pain and went blind for a second causing me to nearly drop him.

"hello I'm chucky!What's your name!"(sorry if that's completely wrong)His voice was child like and full of joy which was odd since he was a robot.I smiled.

"Hi chucky,I'm (Y/N)"My voice was sorta quiet but it looked like he heard it.I heard my mom come back into the room so i carefully put chucky down and ran to her hugging her,"thanks mom!"My voice was filled with joy making my mother smile as we both went back to the couch.I picked Chucky back up and smiled knowing he was going to be my new best friend.

(DISCONTINUED!) New Phyco Buddi... (Chucky/Child's play 2019 x female!reader)Where stories live. Discover now