What happened? (chapter 3)

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(⚠️warning:slighy gore/long chapter/cuteness:warning warning ⚠️)

Reader's POV:
Light beamed into your eyes making you turn over with a grunt,you felt something making you jolt up only to see chucky with his eyes closed laying on his back making him look adorable.you refused the urge to squeak at the cuteness and covered your mouth.

You heard noises downstairs meaning your mother was up ready to go to work,Yea your mother goes to work on the weekends which sucks since you didn't have much time to hang out with her and you were most of the time lonely but now you have Chucky to keep you company.

You were about to get up till you heard a soft yawn making you look down to see Chucky sitting up.You smiled and picked him up,you put him on your shoulders like a piggyback ride which made him cheer in excitement.(aww i got this image and he's adorable!!! 😍😍)you walked over to my dresser and picked out an outfit,It was dark blue,demin, riped jeand with a white croptop jumper that faded to pastel blue with different types of camdy peices.you walked to the bathroom but you put chucky at thw door and pattes his head smiling.

"Wait here,okay?"You spoke in a sweet voixe but was slightly shocked to see him reach his hand out in motion of wanting to be picked up.You giggled and kneeled down making him stand.

"Pick me up!"his voice was full of joy which was hard to believe,you patted him again.

"I will after I get dressed,okay?"You said as he put his head down making you feel bad but smile at his cuteness.you stood up and walked into the bathroom locking the door behind you as you got dressed.

You walked out and want to your phone as you heard soft footsteps behind you.you turned around to see Chucky following you and hugges your leg.You let out out a soft laugh as you picked your phone up.

You walked out of the room as Chucky following close behind.You decided to check Instagram since that's what you did every morning.Your mother was at the door and yelled,"Bye honey,love you!"You smiled back as she left meaning you were home alone with Chunky which you didn't mind.

You fell onto the couch and unlocked your phone entering instagram.Chucky jumpes onto the couch and sat on you stomach then put his head on your chest wanting to know what you were doing.You didn't bother hiding it from him since he was just a(n adorable) toy,ypu rested your hands and phone on his chest.You scroll through your feed till you stopped on your old best friends post.It was a random girl and her hugging ar her house with the caption,'With my new best❤️
Other one was a stuckup brat 😝'You felt tears fill your eyes as you saw in the comments of your other friends agreeing.You tossed your phone to the other side of the couch makng Chunky sit up.He lookes at you shocked to see tears streaming your face.You sat up quickly and whipped thwn away.

"Is bestie okay?"he spoke fast as you looked away.If you even tried to speak it would be broken.He grabbed the phone and lookes at the post again,You swear for a split second his eyes flashed blood red.You took as your mind playing tricks.

For the rest of the day nothing much happened besides Chucky acting stange.You left Chucky alone since you needed something to eat but when you came back he was no where to be seen.You panicked since your mom was going to be pissed if she found out you lost him.You ran around the house trying to find him but you old saw some knives scattered around on the floor and the front door wide open.The first thought that came to mind was that you were robbed.You ran to the door and looked outside on the dirt to see good guy shoes prints.You were confused so you quickly out shoes on and shut the door running out onto the road.

You screamed the loudest you could calling for Chucky hoping he would come back to you.You realized you could track him with the app so you pulled your phone out from your pocket and opened the app standing in the middle of the road.It opened and you saw he had run away and was on the street of you ex best friend.You were confused till you peiced things together,was he going to hurt her?

You began to run down the street bolting towards her house hoping you would get their in time but part you wanted to wait and see what happened.You ignored that side of you mind and proceeded to bolt down the road.

After awhile for running you ran up to her house and banged on the door hoping she would answer and be perfectly fine,you waited and no response so you banged more till the door drifted open.Your heart was beating much faster now that the door was just open.You walked in slowly and looked around see nothing out of the ordinary.

You walked into the lounge room but you froze in place as you see a leg.You slowly crept forward to the front of the couch and felt like being sick since there you friend was laying limp,her throat was slight as her stomach was tore open with her organs laying around her.her eyes were ripped put and cut into small pieces formed into a heart on the floor.Her jaw was ripped out with a knife stabbed straight through into the bone at the back out her throat.

You let out a ear piercing scream that could make anyone deaf as you backed up to the wall,You looked around only to notice another body of the new best friend she made.Her head was decapted with it laying in her hands on her lap,on her legs were words carved out.they read 'YOU HURT MY BEATIE'.Tears filled your eyes at the scene that was in front of you.Your whole body was frozen in fear.There was no way Chucky did this,right?You question your self as you fell into the floor arms wrapped around you legs hugging them close hoping you would wake up and this would be a dream.You heard movement making you look up seeing Chucky walking in,Blood sooked his clothes as the largest knife from you kitchen held tightly in his hands as he looked around.He probably heard your scream and was about to kill you.

He walked around the room till he found you since you backed up into a corner that was behind the second couch.He saw you and smiled as he held his hand out to you which had blood on it.This cause you to whimper and try to back up only to figure out you were up against the wall as much as you could be.He frowned at this and tossed the knife away them looked back at you with innocence in his eyes.

"Bestie?"his voice was filled with sadness as he looked at your teary eyes.You pulled your arms into your self more and put your head down in fear.You heard things moving making you shake and whimper more only to feel something hugging you legs."They hurt you.They deserve to die."his voice was stern as he hugged you legs rubbing his face into them like a cat.

You felt like if you disagree he would kill you so you weakly nodded,Your eyes met his to see him smiling innocently as if he didn't just murder two people.He grabbed your hand pulling you wanting to go so you stood up trying not to shake.He motioned his hands for you to pick him up.You did as you walked out of the house filled with two murdered girls.you fast walked home and slammed the door.

You took him to the bath room and put him onto he counter as you turned around looked for stuff to clean the blood off of him.You didn't want him to be seen with blood on his clothes cause what are you supposed to say,'oh he murdered someone I hated since they replaced me'I look like the bad person.

I walked over to him and filled the sink with soapy warm water.I looked at him question if he could go into water and be okay.He looked at you with his yet again ice blue innocent eyes.You picked him up and blushed as you took his clothes off making his cheeks glow a bright pink as if he was blushing to. You put him into the water and saw that he was okay so you proceeded to wash his head as he sat there watching the bubbles.

After you washed him you left him there with a towel as you went to the washing machine and washed his clothes hopping the blood won't stain.You went back to Chucky to see him sitting on you bed looking down in a way a dog would do if they did something wrong.You were still slightly scared of him so you sat on the floor near the door.

You both sat in silence as you waiting.

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