School,again...(Chapter 15)

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Reader's POV:
My eyes slowly opened to a dark room.I turned to my side than reached out turning my phone on for light,The room was slightly lite up by the phone light.I was about to stand up till something wrapped around my waist.This cause panic to raise till i peered down seeing a sleepy Chucky holding onto my waist.His head was on my lap as he held me not wanting me to go,I smiled at this do I picked him up.He hugged my neck as I walked over to the drawers to pick out my outfit.I stopped one I saw an outfit sitting on top of the drawer.I flipped the switch on which was next to it so I could see better.It was all navy,Navy shorts and a navy shirt.A thought hit me in the head as I quickly checked my phone for the date,School.

I sighed as I sunk down to the floor.I haven't been to school for maybe a week or two but I didn't want to return.Chucky saw the disappointment in my expression,This caused him to let mr go and stand in front of me.

"What's wrong bestie?"He asked concern in his voice.You were about to answer but were interrupted by a creaking of a door.Both yours and Chucky's head turned towards the door,You saw the girl who kissed your 'father'.You glared at her as only recently found out where your dad had been doing for the past couple of years,instead of going to work he came to his second 'Wife'.The woman saw this and looked hurt,She proceeded to walk over to you as you held Chucky to your chest incase he was going to lash out at her for your attitude.

"Hey sweetheart,You wanna get ready for school?"She spoke innocently,For a second You thought she didn't realize she might have not of know about your 'Father's' actions.You sighed and looked the other way as Chucky proceeded to look at her.His expression was unreadable,The girl stood up snd grabbed the outfit you were looking at before than laid it next to you as she began to walk out.When she was at the door she turned to you."Please atleast try."Than she left closing the door behind her.

Chucky still stared at the door for a few seconds before turning down at the outfit laid next to you.I stood up and walked to the window ignoring the clothes and just stared out the window,I just wanted life to go back to what it was before.I sat on the window ledge and ignored the small approaching footsteps,Chucky climbed up onto the ledge besides me and stared out the same direction I was looking trying the figure out what I was interested in.

I stood up and grabbes the outfit,I had to go amd try.Right?I felt someone hug my leg,I glaced down at chucky remembering what he could do if I went out.I couched down to his height causeing him to leap and hug me,I stood up and walked to the bathroom.I tried to make chucky let go but failed as he clung to me like a magnet.I sighed walking into the bathroom shutting the door behind me.I put my school outfit on the sink counter than chucky next to that.I stared at chucky than turned him around making him close his eyes making him whine.Confused filled me as i felt heat rise to my cheeks.

He finally sat still as I began to take my shirt off.I took the rest of my clothes off leaving my undergarments on as I reached towards the school outfit.Putting it on than glancing in the mirror I smiled.I picked chucky up and walked out of the room putting my shoes on than to the door which had my fathers girlfriend about to knock.She smiled as she saw I was dressed which caused me to look away.I followed her to the kitchen for my breakfast and back,I ate quickly than walked out the door knowing where the school was since we drove past it coming here.

I was walking with chucky still in my hands,I actually forgot to out him back in my room.I was about to walk back home till a group of girls caught my eye.They looked around the same age as they giggled than pointed at me making me wanna curl into a ball.I ignored all my thoughts as I proceeded to walk to school deciding ro just bring chucky.

(Sorry it was short and a long brake but I've just been dealing with alot of stuff.Oh and I'll be rerighting the first chucky x reader so that the reader is a male since I'm turning trans and if I write a new book for a character it'll probably be a boy.)

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