You're special to me(chapter 14)

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( eye color = (E/c) )
Chucky's POV:

After awhile my bestie fell asleep leaving me and her so called 'Father' the only ones awake.I slowly got out my beatie's grip than climbed to the front seat next to the man,He glanced at me confused as i glared daggers at him.He turned around to look to my bestie I presume so i stood up and sat down on the edge of the seat.He turned back around and slightly jumped from my sudden approach,My eyes flickered red.He opened his mouth to speak by i interrupted him.

"Don't you dare think of hurting her."My voice was stern as I stared straight into the mans eyes,This cause him to move back slightly but to regain his posturer.He glared at me than spoke stopping the car on the side of the road.

"How the fuck did she get a doll to talk like you?"He asked but not polite,It was as if he thought my bestie was controlling me.I reached my hand into my pocket only to find no scissors.Shock was placed on my face as I quickly looked to the back seat seeing if they were there.Something shiny caught my eyes but before I could run for it I was slammed onto the chair.My hair wouldn't turn as most of the hit was applied to my head not letting me move.I tried desperately to make some sort of movement to get the presure off but nothing worked.I heard a chuckle behind me,I instantly realized what happened and proceeded trying to move."Not so fast toy."I could hear the smirk in his words as I was picked up.He held me by the neck tightly as my small hands grabbed his wrist trying to hold myself up.

Light shined in threw the car window as the outline of his figure glowed,I growled in a effort to scare him but he only chuckled at my attempt.He held me tighter as he got out of the car,We were on a high way with cars driving fast past us.He looked to the cars and smiled,At first I was confused till i realized he was going to throw me out to be ripped apart and drove over.My eyes widened as I looked back up at the man,He was still smirking.

I was lifted into the air more as he was about to throw me till he was interrupted by a girls voice screaming for him to stop.I tried to turn my head as the mans grip soften at the sudden noise.I took as an opportunity to escape so I bit him as hard as i could which quickly drew blood from the wound.I was instantly dropped to the hard cement ground but I wasn't laying there long as i felt a warm embrace pick me up,They hugged me and I heard soft crying.My eyes opened slightly to see my bestie hugging me with tears welling up in her soft (E/c) eyes.A growl was hear making my bestie look up quickly,I tried to look but was held in the hug tighter.

"You stupid brat,"The man spoke with venom lacing his words.My bestie whipped her eyes and began to talk in a slightly weak voice.

"I won't let you hurt him..."She stuttered slightly but stood straight staring into the mans eyes.It was quiet for a few seconds till the man spoke.

"It's a toy you idiot,It can't get hurt!"He yelled at her but this times my bestie didn't stand down instead she glared at him.

"He's not just a toy,"My bestie paused for a few seconds than proceeded to speak."I care about him...He's special to me,"My bestie looked down at me smiling slightly,At that moment I felt something strange in my chest again.I was caught out of my trace when a grunt was heard.My bestie looked up and allowed me to see,I saw the man glaring at her.He was about to speak till a ringing sound came from the car making all thre of us look towards it.The man pushed past us and picked up a device that looked similar to my bestie's phone.

A higher pitched voice was heard from the device as the man spoke to it.I caught fragments of the conversation,He was talking to someone he liked to call 'Honey' and they asked him where he was.The man responded with a plain coming home as he glanced back at the two of us,I couldn't understand the rest but he said bye than 'Honey' again than hung up putting the device back into the car.He looked at us before sighing and told us to get into the car.My bestie proceeded to listen and got into the same seat she was in before.

The car started than we got into the car traffic,My bestie look down at me for a second till she saw I was looking so she quickly looked away.Her expression was an upset on.I thought I made her upset so I hugged her and said 'I'm sorry',She shock her head and hugged back.

"it's not your fault Chucky,Just stay with me...please,"Her voice was soft and quiet,I smiled up at her and looked up at her with my ice blue eyes.

"I would never.I'm your best buddy till the end,Aren't I?"I said in a matter a fact tone.She smiled down at me as we hugged each other the rest of the drive.

It was night now,The man pulled up into a two story house.It was mostly white with the roof pastel blue.My bestie got out of the car still carrying me,She examined the house smiling.The man got out the car and sighed at the child.We all walked to the front door as the man rung it,After a while the door opened allowing a young woman to step out.She instantly hugged the man than kissed him on the lips.She seemed nice than she looked towards my bestie.Still smiling she hugged my bestie,My bestie was surprised at first but hugged back holding me eith one hand.The hug ended as we all walking into the house.The interior was nice,My bestie was lead to a room by the woman we met before.

"Call for either of us if you need anything sugar,"Her voice was calm as she shut the door.The room was an average size,There was a bed near the wall in the middle,The window looked similar to the other room we stayed in.My bestie jumped onto the bed still holding me to her chest.A long sigh escaped her lips as I sat on her,I stared into her beautiful (E/c) eyes.I was torn out of my traced when she pet me on the head.She sat up only to lean her back on the bed frame.She put me on the bed than stood up stretching.

"let's see if there are any clothes,"She spoke smiling than put her hand out for me to hold.I looked up at her for a second than did grabby hands for her to pick me up.Her cheeks dusted pink as she proceeded to pick me up and walk over to the draws.They were a step up along with another bed and a wooden desk.She reached the draws than pulled the first one out,some kind of clothes and these things in packets.She quickly shut the draw blushing than opened the next one,It was filled with tops as the next draw was filled with pants and shorts.My bestie set me one the ground as she picked out an outfit.My bestie than proceeded to walk to the joined bathroom shutting the door behind her but it didn't completely shut.She wasn't aware of this as I followed her seeing nothing wrong with it.

I looked up at my bestie as she began to take her clothes off.I felt my cheeks grow hot and my heart bond in my chest.I quickly left the room in panic.Part of me wanted to continue watching but I felt strange seeing her that way.After a few minutes the feeling faded but I still felt it,My bestie stepped out of the room stretching again with her new sleeping outfit.She looked around than picked me up than fell onto the bed,She pulled the blankets over the both of us,I sat up slightly curious of what would happen if I kissed her on the lips.The other two people seemed happy and I want my bestie to be happy,I moved closer to her than hesitated.My bestie opened her eyes and looked at me confused.I quickly moved my head closer to her and put my lips to hers.My cheeks heated up again.At first she was tense but than relaxed as I moved away,I hugged her than fell asleep.

Reader's POV:

Did Chucky just kiss me,I thought as I looked down at the doll only to see him asleep hugging me.My face was definitely bright red,For some reason I thought Chucky was adorable but there was another emotion to him.Why did I care so much about him,Wasn't he just a doll my mother bought me.Yes he's murdered people so how would I like or even possibly love him...

My thoughts continued to battle against who's right,I hugged Chucky slightly as I tried my.Best to sleep and forget about this but part of me didn't want to.

(Sorry for the long chapter and I hope you guys like it 😅😅)

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