I can't go home... (chapter 5)

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Reader's POV:
I was frozen in place,Everything that just happened sinking into my brain realizing that my mother bought me a murderous robot toy.Chucky saw my expression and frown then layed on my chest closing his eyes hugging me then fell asleep I assumed.

I stood up holding Chucky to my chest as I stepped over I my mothers dead body.I cringed then ran up to my bag which was sitting on the stairs.I put the largest bag which contained everything but my blanket and pillows.I whipped my tears with my hand as I went to my bedroom to get dressed quickly.My outift was plain black leggings with blue overalls and my favourite anime shirt.I put a black jumper on then ran out the door with my bag.I stopped when I began to ponder about where I was going to live now,the first thought was my aunt since I was already going to live with her.All I needed to do was not let her inside the house,I can just say mom's at work and she left me outside with my bag.

I sat on the house pouch waiting for my aunt to come.After awhile Chucky woke up yawning.I looked away trying not to forgive him so quickly I mean he did just murder my mother in cold blood for what taking him away from me,Atleast that's what I think happened.Chucky was sitting on my lap and looked at me with innocent eyes with a big smile.

"Morning bestie!"He hugged me still smiling,I sighed and hugged him holding back my tears since I was hugging the person who killed people.Chucky saw this and frowned.He was about to say something to we both heard a car pulling into the driveway.I looked up to see a bright pink Ferrari,The wheels were white with the center black.The car parked as a lady around her twenties came out.She was wearing a sweater like shirt which was magenta fading to purple,Her leggings were black which slightly bagging but still hugged her legs while her black heels showed her manicured toenails.

She smiled at me as she approached with her fluffy pastel pink phone case.I smiled nervoursly as I stood up grabbing my bag since on the wait for her to come I put it next to me.She greated me sweetly then asked about my mother.I refused to urge to cry out that she's dead so I just said my plan.

"She went to work and left me outside waiting for you,"I smiled and hugged Chucky to my chest as she held my hand leading me to the car.She said to tell me where I will be going till everything is sorted out,I was about to sit in the back till she asked if I wanted to sit in the front,I debated it but decided I would.I put my bag in the back and got in the front with Chucky.

The drive was quite long but most of the time I was on my phone with Chucky sleeping on me cuddling up to me white made me forget everything he did since he looked so cute and sweet,If someone told me he murdered someone I would laugh at them taking it as a joke not seconding guessing my response.

Sometimes Jessia(I think I ment to write Jessica but something happened so your aunt will be named Jessia XD) would talk about her lovely family and how much of a joy they are to have,I nodded as all my attention was on my phone.I was looking threw the news to see if anyone else has this malfunction to the robot but so far I had no hope.I put my phone on my lap which was actually Chucky's but all my foucase was being came and trying to forget that the doll sitting in my lap sleeping killed my mother.We were on the highway at the moment till I saw a police car had pulled over the car In front of us making it so we had to stop.

I heard Jessia complain then stopped the car pulling over.I sighed then Chucky stood up on my lap leaning over so he was leaning on the glovebox looking out.At first I was confused but I didn't touch him curious of what he was looking at.The officer came to Jessia's side of the car and proceeded to talk to her about something to do with the road being blood off from an accident,The officer looked at me and smiled causing me to look away.The man walked off walking back to the middle of the road.Jessia sighed then looked around then saw signs telling her where to go.She followed them as I looked back down only to see Chucky laying on me with my phone in his hands,I was about to question how he unlocked my phone till he showed me where we going then he showed me the house we were moving into now.I looked at him with a questioning look.

"New home!"Glee filled his voice as he sat up on me,Jessia looked at the both of us.

"It talks?"She question herself more then me,I simple nodded my head then looked at Chucky to see him opening Instagram then it went to a page of a news articles then he showed me the girls he murdered.I quickly turned off my data then closed Instagram putting my phone in the my bag in the back seat.The rest of the drive was quiet besides Chucky saying things about being excited about moving into a new house.

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