Chapter 4

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pic of Vance on side----->



Renee's POV:

    I groaned as I plopped down of the muddy ground beneath a tree and leaned against its trunk. I had been running for two days straight and was worn out. I haven't taken a shower in three days now and considering that I have been running in wolf form for the past 48 hours, I probably didn't smell or look to lovely.

   About an hour back, I shifted back into my human form because I wanted to stretch out a little. My stomach growled loudly as I began to groan again, have I mentioned I haven't eaten since I left either? 

     I leaned my head against the tree and shut my eyes. I really needed to get some sleep if I wanted to continue traveling. I haven't really figured out where I am going yet, I just now that I want to put as much distance between Blake and I that's possible.

     Welcoming the darkness, I began to drift off into sleep. I must have been really tired because by the time I woke up it was darkness.

     My eyes fluttered open as I took in my surroundings, I still felt a bit tired but better than I did earlier. I stood up and grabbed my duffel bag and started walking again in the forest. My head snapped to the right as something in the bush growled.

    I dropped the duffel bag as my heart began to race. I sniffed the air and growled lowly as I smelt another wolf in the area. I got in a defensive stance as I backed away slowly from the bush. My mind raced as I calculated the best escape route.

     What if it was my father? What if he had found me? He would surely kill me for running away. As I began to think of the worst, a reddish colored wolf stepped out. My faced turned into confusion before I realized that this must be someone else's territory and I could be considered trespassing.

     I bowed  my head slightly to show that I meant no harm. I was still wary around males so I made sure to keep my distance from him. I looked back up to see that he had now shifted back into human form.

   I gawked at the boy standing before me. He looked to be around eighteen years old. He had shaggy black hair that hung low on his head and somewhat covered his chocolate/black eyes. He wore only shorts that hung low on his hips revealing his six pack. His rosy red lips formed into a smirk as he obviously caught me checking him out. 

    "Like what you see?" He said. I admit he was attractive but not as good looking as someone else I knew…

     Stop thinking about him. I scolded myself.

    I scoffed and rolled my eyes. " Don't flatter yourself." I huffed. I brushed my bangs to the side of my face as I crossed my arms. I glanced down at my duffel bag which was standing right by his feet.

    The boy chuckled lightly before his face turned serious, "If I may ask, Why are you on my land?" He stated.

     I gulped as I looked down and played with the hem of my shirt nervously, "I-i was just p-passing through, s-sorry. I didn't know." I said looking back up at him.

      He bent down and scooped up my duffel bag and then started walking towards me, I hurried and scooted away. "I said I was sorry, Please don't hurt me!" I almost screamed as I ducked behind a tree.

     I closed my eyes tightly as I waited for him to touch me or have his way with me and sighed in relief as he didn't. I glanced around the tree to see him standing there with his hands up and a confused face.

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