Chapter Twenty-Six: Plans, All Around

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firstly, HI LOVES

secondly, i would like to dedicate this chapter to the one who--who many years ago saw i wore many different masks, and that i had no definite self image. I started writing this in my free time and it quickly grew to a creative outlet and joy; but when i went through a rough time this year, i hid it away in my mind, but the song (posted) this old friend sent to me many many years ago played when i hit shuffle, I felt anew. I felt myself again.

You won't see this, but thank you. we will go far, my old friend, far.


The house had emptied and Rachel Lynde was helping Marilla tidy up after the reception.

"Marilla." Rachel's voice was curt, cutting the air with a shrill tone, "I know that mind is thinking, Marilla, what is bothering you?"

Only one thing had been on Marilla's mind since Matthew's passing—Anne. More specifically, Anne's future. Matthew had made an agreement-a promise, but now Marilla questioned if she could keep that promise now that he was gone.

"I'm fine, Rachel," Marilla brushed her friend off as the sweeping of her broom got more aggressive.

"Marilla Cuthbert! what did the broom ever do to you?" Rachel snatches the broom from Marilla's tight clutch, "Come sit, and I'll set the kettle on for tea."


Anne had run out the back door and through the little orchard until she came to the stone wall separating the garden from the fields; the boys had simply followed like little puppies. She stood, arms braced on the wall, her ragged breathing from the sudden sprint, as well as the heartbreak in her chest for her bosom friend.

"My poor Diana," Anne had bitter tears in her eyes as she fought the heartbreak in her chest, "my dear bosom friend, and she deals with this all alone?"

Gilbert simply nodded; while Charlie sat on the wall his eyes glassing over, mind lost in wondering thoughts.

It all makes so much sense now. I always thought it was pure prejudice, what the Mrs. Barry held against me. Now, now I know it's fear.

"They are afraid of losing their daughters," Charlie's sudden statement startled both Anne and Gilbert.

"What?" Anne questioned Charlie, "that's ridiculous. Diana loves her parents so much and would do anything for them!"

"Yes, because that is how she has to act," Gilbert's calm voice spoke rationally, "I don't mean to say she doesn't love her parents dearly, but she had dreams like you, Anne. Dreams of going to Queen's and being a forward-thinking woman; however, her parents do not approve in the slightest and have crushed those dreams."

"Oh," tears spilled out of the corners of Anne's eyes, "how awful."

"Surely there is something we could do?" Charlie's voice sounded bitter as the words rushed from his mouth.

Pain in his eyes, Gilbert shrugged, "Diana is trying. She is starting to push back when she can, and when she is of marrying age she plans to refuse all beaus until they allow her to take the exam."

Anne's jaw dropped; her beautiful bosom friend was going to refuse marriage against her parents' wills to pursue her dream, "she's more tenacious than I ever could be."

Gilbert and Charlie both laughed as they looked at the fiery-red head.

"Anne-girl, no one will ever be able to match your persistent lighthearted spirit: even Diana whose been through her own trials."

Anne blushed at Gilbert's words, as Charlie looked up at the dimming sky, embarrassment in his eyes.

"Well, we'll just have to be Diana's support system to ensure she succeeds," a hint of joyous pride and hope embellished Anne's words.


"My my," Rachel Lynde set her empty teacup down, "that Matthew sure was a sly, smart fellow."

"That he was," Marilla shook her head, "Rachel, I don't know what to do."

"Well, if you're asking me for my opinion, Marilla you know I'm glad to give it," Rachel eyed Marilla until the latter nodded in defeat, "now I would just hold off on changing plans—they were Matthew's wishes after all. That Baynard fellow is growing up mightily fine enough and he could most definitely run the farm for you."

"That's true," Marilla nodded, "but Anne. I know that girl will try to stay home—"

"Marilla, stop," Rachel cut her friend off, "now, I'm not saying Anne isn't a bright girl but it is a manner of if she gets into Queen's Academy. If she does, then we will figure something out."

"We?" Marilla eyed Rachel from across the kitchen table, "Rachel I would never have thought you would will for the child to go off to Academy."

"Gracious, Marilla," Rachel looked perplexed, "if that child goes off to Queen's I may finally have some peace of mind, Lord knows she is a full of original sin."

"Rachel!" Marilla scolded the harsh words.

"Now now, Marilla. I do have to credit the child, it has worked in her advantage and has grown her into quite the young woman."

"That it has," Marilla nodded as she took a final sip of tea.

"A young readhead who has surprisingly caught the eye of the most prestigious young man of Avonlea," a sly smile tucked up in the corners of Rachel's mouth, "quite like another redhead I knew."

"Oh, Rachel, quit your blabbering," Marilla's eyes were stern but her cheeks blushed a harsh crimson.

"All I am saying is that I stand with Matthew, to the end on this account," Rachel stood, "well, now shall we continue setting things back in place?"

"Indeed," Marilla confirmed as she too rose from the table, thinking to herself.

Matthew you sly fox, what would Anne think if she knew of what you've done for her?

She's a short chapter but I didn't want to add more quite yet ;)

((comment ideas!! I'd love to see where y'all want this to go!))

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