Chapter 12: Arrival

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When I woke up everyone was asleep but Chris, he was awake and still had me in his arms. "Hey." I blushed looking up at him rubbing my eyes. "Morning, you feel like getting coffee?" He whispered leaning close to me not to wake anyone. "Yeah." I slid out of his arms and grabbed my hoodie off the edge of the bed pulling it over my head. "Lets go." He opened the door quietly grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room running down the hallway. "Why are we running?" I whispered still trying to be quiet, it was extremely early about 6am I'd say. We had ran down the stairs and Chris was smiling like crazy. "McDonald's?" He questioned as we stopped running walking through the lobby. "Yeah sounds great." I'll buy you breakfast." He smirked at me letting go of my hand as we went outside to his car. "Shh." He laughed as I sneezed rubbing my nose with my jacket sleeve. "Sorry, allergies." I sighed climbing in the passenger side closing the door quietly. "Won't Munro be mad that I have you alone?" Chris looked at me as we pulled out of the parking lot. "I really can't be bothered at the moment Chris. If he gets mad then I don't care, I want to have fun at Warped whether he does or not doesn't matter. I care about him and all but he needs to let me do my thing." I looked at him serious. "Wow....didn't know you had that kind of fire behind you." He glanced at me then back at the road as we pulled up to a McDonald's. "There's a lot you don't know about me." I smirked being a tease for the first time. "Oh really now?" He laughed parking near the front unbuckling his seat belt. "Like what?" He smirked at me leaning closer. "Like I can break your hand if you do something I don't like." I winked sliding out of the car before he could get closer to me. "Feisty." He smiled opening the door but before I could I pulled him out and gripped his shirt. "Damn." He looked at me becoming aroused. "Don't even think about it." I smirked against walking around the front of the car heading inside. "Come on lover boy." I laughed holding the door open as he followed me inside. "What do you want?" He asked as we walked up to the counter. "Just coffee and fries." I smiled as he ordered and he hopped on the counter sitting on it looking at me. "Um sir you can't sit there." The cashier said shyly. "Whatever." He smirked at her sliding off of it walking over to the table. We sat down waiting for our order to finish getting ready and Chris was staring at me. "Even with bed head and a sassy attitude you're still sweet." I looked at him and the cashier called out our order number. Chris hopped up and walked over to the counter and I sat there tapping my fingers on the table in front of me. Chris walked back up setting down the tray handing me my coffee. "You think I'm sweet?" I mumbled looking up at him. "Yeah I do." He smiled eating one of my fries. It was almost 7 when we finished at McDonald's and were heading back. By then only Lucy was awake and we needed to get going so I decided to wake Munro. I headed upstairs and Lucy looked over at Chris. "You like her don't you?" She asked out of the blue as he sat on the hood of his car. "I don't even know her L. but she's different." He smiled. "In a good way though, she's shy and not like everyone else. She's got fire beneath the hard exterior." He was blushing slightly. "Well just don't hurt her, Munro has a thing for her and I don't want her getting hurt anymore then she already is."  Lucy walked back upstairs waking up Jamie and Zeik. "Wake up Zeik we gotta get moving and everyone needs a shower before we leave." Jamie had already headed to the bathroom turning on the shower and was in and out in 10 minutes. "Who's next?" I was still trying to wake Munro and finally I leaned close to him and kissed him. "Wake up." I whispered pulling away from him and he opened his eyes looking at me. "Hey..." He blushed sitting up hugging me softly. I took a sip out of my coffee handing it to him. "Should help you get ready, we need to get going if we're gonna make it in time." I stood up but he grabbed my hand. "Melody." He looked at me still trying to wake up. "Follow your heart." He smiled softly and I rubbed his head. "Always do." I smiled walking outside to Chris. "Can you get my bag out of the trunk? I need a change of clothes to get a shower." Chris was alert now as if he was stuck in thought. "Yeah hang on." He leaned over the driver seat popping the truck. "Thanks." I smiled at him grabbing my Invader Zim bag out of the trunk looking through it. "Chris." I looked around the side to see him leaned against the door. "Yeah?" He looked at me. "Thanks for earlier. For what you said." He looked confused so I replied. "I wasn't fully asleep last night." I smiled softly looking at him and shock grew back over his face like the night before. "Whoa wait what?" He looked at me walking over to the truck as I pulled out my stud shorts. "Nothing." I smiled bigger looking at him. "Tell me!" He was really curious now and even went as far as threatening to put me in the trunk for the rest of the drive. "Fine fine." I laughed as he closed the trunk. I heard you telling Aiden you'd protect me from Dustin." He just stared at me slightly embarrassed. "Well...yeah I will protect you. You don't deserve that especially getting raped." I got hurt by that and he knew it immediately after saying it when I turned to walk away. "Melody I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything." He grabbed my hand trying to pull me back but I just pulled away running upstairs. "Lucy I wanna go home!" I was nearly in tears. "What happened Melody?" She hugged me trying to find out what was wrong. "Just please take me home." By them Munro was freaked out and picked me up hugging me close. "Please stop crying Mel. Please." He was hurting as bad as I was. Zeik butted in which just made me mad. "Drama much?" He smarted and Lucy smacked him. "Shut up Zeik!" Lucy was trying to help but right then I just wanted to curl up in my old bed and cry. "Chris had walked upstairs trying to apologize and I didn't even wanna move. Munro sat me down on the bed and Lucy wrapped her arm over my shoulders. "What the hell did you do to her!" Munro was pissed and Jamie got in between them. "Stop being hotheads geez. Chill the fuck out." Jamie pushed Chris back from Munro and Lucy got up grabbing Munro by his arm. "No he upset her and I wanna know what the hell he did!" Munro was screaming slander at Chris and Chris was just smirking ready to pounce. I finally stood up and had lost my patience. "Shut the fuck up! I'm tired of the fucking fighting and jealousy! I wanted to go on this trip to get away from stress but none of you are helping it! So when you idiots want to calm down and have fun come find me till then I'm leaving!" I screamed slamming the door walking downstairs. I was fuming horribly and walked off by myself. Right then I didn't care I was pissed at everyone and just wanted to be by myself. "Geez." Lucy felt bad and Munro was holding his head pushing his hair out of his face. "Chris, Aiden we gotta find her. Lucy, you, Zeik and Jamie pack up and get loaded me Aiden and Chris will go look for her alright?" He had grabbed his hoodie off the chair running downstairs. "where could she have gone?" Aiden was worried I was alone in a town I didn't know. "This is my fault guys." Chris had his hand in his pocket and the other on his head. "How is it your fault Chris? She ran out you didn't make her." Aiden walked up by Munro. "Now think, where would she go?" Munro stopped thinking to himself. "I know where she is." He took off running down some street with Aiden and Chris struggling to keep up with him. "Where dude?!" Chris yelled catching up to Aiden and Munro. "She always goes to a cemetery when she wants to be alone." He stopped running trying to catch his breath and they stopped too. Aiden sounded like he was dying and Chris was still ready to run. "She does?" Chris questioned as they walked up to the cemetery seeing me sitting on a headstone. "Yeah." Munro was being cautious seeing me crying hard. It killed him seeing me cry like that but I was hurt. All I could think about was Dustin raping me. I had finally broke down and lost it, I was crying hard and clutching my chest feeling like it was about to tear through my chest. "Melody..." Munro walked up behind me scaring me half to death. "What?" I looked back over my shoulder glaring at him with tears streaking my flushed cheeks. "You alright?" He walked closer to me and Chris and Aiden slowly followed. "I'm sorry for getting mad at you guys, but I don't want this stress anymore." I slowly calmed down looking at them. "Mel you're allowed to lose it once in a while, you've had a lot happen to you. You're handling this better then all of us would." Aiden hugged me. "I'm sorry Melody. Can you forgive me cause I'm just so lovable?" I smiled smacking his arm. "Well duh." I wiped my cheeks and Chris could hardly look at me like this. I gripped my anxiety pills tightly in my right hand walking with them back to the hotel. Chris was walking behind me and Aiden laid his arm over my shoulders. "Time to have fun we got a longer drive ahead of us then yesterday and we need to get there by tomorrow night." Chris finally talked to me. "Are you still gonna ride with me and Jamie?" I looked at him and nodded and Munro picked me up throwing me over his shoulder again. "Munro!" I laughed finally and Aiden ran upstairs as we finally got to the hotel parking lot. Chris stayed back with Munro and I and Munro started tickling me. "Stop it!" I was laughing so hard I thought my bladder was going to bust. We had finally got everything ready and packed up. Everyone was showered and we had piled into the cars. Chris apologized again and I assured him it was okay. Before we knew it we were driving again and I was humming the songs that were playing. Diary of Jane had come on and we had been driving for almost 3 hours. I was getting tired of sitting in the car but we were getting closer. I was getting more excited as time ticked on. "You guys hungry? Munro and Lucy wanna stop for food." Jamie asked looking at her phone text. Chris smirked. "I could eat what about you Mel?" He glanced at me and back at the road we were behind Munro's car. "Yeah I'm getting hungry and want more coffee." I smiled slightly looking for my ipod. "Don't tell me I left it at the hotel." I gave myself a nice face-palm feeling like an idiot. "You didn't, I grabbed it for you." Chris smiled sliding it out of his jacket pocket tossing it back to me. "Thanks." I smiled shoving it into my pocket. "Stop over here." Jamie pointed at a Burger King to our right as Munro pulled into the parking lot we soon followed. Munro slid out of his Nissan and Lucy opened the door for Aiden and Zeik. "Ugh thank god I thought my stomach was about to eat itself." Zeik smirked walking inside. I laughed getting outta the car looking at Jamie. "Now who's the drama queen?" Everyone piled into Burger King laughing and we ordered lunch and sat at a table near a window. It was fun and we all sat down with our food I shoved a fry in my mouth looking at Chris and he just laughed. "What?" I stared at him confused. "Melody you love fries don't you?" He laughed sticking his tongue out at me. "Put it away unless you're willing to use it!" Lucy laughed smacking his arm. We finished eating and were headed outside and Chris picked me up again on his back and Lucy jumped on Munro. "Giddy-up!" She yelled as Munro ran through the parking lot with Lucy on his back screaming as they got to his car. 3 more hours of driving till we get to Warped. Time was ticking and we were pumped to get there. Zeik sat on the back of Munro's car smirking at Chris. Chris still had me on his back and it was fun to be with people who cared about me. We had started driving again and I was jamming out to It's My Life by Bon Jovi. Loved the song it made me happy and was like it explained me perfectly. Jamie was bouncing in the seat singing the song with me. "IT'S MY LIFE! IT'S NOW OR NEVER!" We sang together laughing and Chris poked my side making my fly back into the seat laughing harder. Before I knew it we pulled up to the main gate and parked everyone was ready to go to the concert but we needed to get ready so we drove up to a hotel where we'd crash for the night. Us girls piled around the mirror getting ready, Jamie was doing some amazing makeup, thick black makeup with neon hearts under her right eye. Lucy stuck with basic black emo girl makeup and I did the same. Zeik was even in there with us putting on eyeliner and fixing his hair. Jamie and Lucy were going nuts with my hair, though they did a really great job. I ended up with a scene girl look, they flat ironed my hair paper straight and Lucy teased the top to pull the classic lion mane. I looked awesome but by the time my hair was done theirs was too. Zeik was brushing his hair before teasing it up and spraying it and clouding the whole bathroom with hairspray. Coughing like crazy I ran out of the bathroom about to pass out. "Ugh!" I fell on the floor holding my chest. "Geez Zeik trying to kill us?!" Lucy coughed closing the bathroom door behind her. "Bag Lucy." I coughed struggling to breathe as Lucy grabbed my bag off the bed. I sat up wheezing grabbing my inhaler from the side pocket using it twice. "Zeik are you fucking stupid?!" I was royally mad at him for nearly causing an asthma attack. I stood up trying to calm down. "Just forget it. Let's just get dressed and get to Warped." Aiden hugged me lightly before the boys went into the bathroom to start getting ready. While they were in there fixing their hair and what not us girls decided to get dressed. I pulled open my bag looking for something to wear and I found it, my Asking Alexandria shirt and bondage skinny jeans. I had bought the shirt to fix up since I never wore normal shirts. I had taken this one and cut the collar free and turned the back into a corset style but it looked amazing. I slid on my shirt and jeans tightening them as tight as they would go. "Lucy. Tighten the back please?" I asked her as she turned me around and tightened the ribbon on my shirt. "Where did you get that shirt?" Jamie asked me as I tightened the top straps on my jeans. As I finished explaining how I did the shirt to Jamie we were ready to go. Lucy was banging on the bathroom door and Aiden walked out then Munro and Zeik was looking at Chris like a new toy. Aiden was in a black and white striped shirt and he had straightened his hair and was wearing ripped up black skinny jeans and white vans. He looked amazing and when Munro stepped out he had on a tight black tank top with red skinnies and a silver stud belt. "Wow, you guys look awesome." I smiled at them. "Where's Chris?" Jamie asked looking at Aiden. "Still finishing his hair. He said he'd catch up with us." Jamie slipped on a shirt that said Fuck the Haters across it in white and a black tutu with black fishnet stocking under it. We looked awesome and we'd definitely get noticed at the concert. Lucy was texting the others to see where they wanted to meet at since he had about an hour before the gates opened. "Guys!" Lucy yelled looking out the window. "They're here!" She smiled big running downstairs to meet up with the other people coming with us to the concert. I walked outside with Jamie and Aiden, Munro followed behind us shortly and I saw a really gorgeous girl. "Melody!" Lucy yelled looking at me. "Come here." She smiled as I walked up. "This is Delilah, my older sister." Delilah smirked at me as a guy got out of the passenger side of the car. He was about my height and had the same color hair. He looked nice but really scared. "So you're Melody? My sis never shuts up about you." She said punching Lucy's arm. "Hey! Just cause you're older doesn't mean you can pick on me." Lucy laughed looking at her. "Hey CJ." Lucy smiled hugging the guy who was fixing his bangs over his face. I smiled at him walking over to him. "Hey." He looked shocked. "Uh...hey." He managed to struggle out of him. "I'm Melody." I smiled holding out my hand. "I know.." He stuttered. "Huh?" I looked confused at him and he just shook his head. "Nothing." He brushed past me and walking over to Delilah and Lucy who were laughing at one another. I looked stupid and walked over to Aiden who was talking to Munro and Jamie. "Aiden...can I talk to you....privately?" I slipped out and he walked over to me looking worried. "What's wrong?" I grabbed his arm and walked over to the side of the hotel with Aiden. "Mel, talk to me." He slipped out as we stopped walking. "Does that guy look familiar to you?" I asked him pointing at CJ. "No, I only know Lucy, and Delilah know him and Zeik of course but I only know he's Delilah's best friend. And I only know that because Lucy told me. Other then that I know the guy as much as you." Aiden leaned up against the brick wall behind him. "Weird..." I felt a horrible turning in my stomach and I wasn't sure what it was, but this guy gave me a weird feeling in my stomach and seemed oddly to familiar. I shook it off and ran back over to Lucy and Delilah. "Is this everyone who's going?" I questioned. "Yeah." Lucy hopped off her sisters car and we were walking over to the concert building. It was amazing to hear people screaming and music blasting. The gates were fixing to open and I was getting more and more excited and still didn't see Chris anywhere. "Lucy." I looked for her and she was on CJ's back and Delilah was next to him laughing. Munro walked up behind me and hugged me. "Come here." He knelt down and picked me up on his back so I could see better. Asking Alexandria was setting up on front stage and I screamed as loud as I could and the drummer waved at me and a bunch of girls started shrieking including Lucy. "LUCY! JAMIE!" I yelled because it was so loud they couldn't hear me. "What?!" Jamie was screaming at the bands who were finishing setting up but Lucy noticed me yelling for her. Aiden picked Jamie up on his shoulders so she could see too and they crowded together. As seconds passed we could hear the music starting to blare and lights turn on. Just in that moment I could hear only my heart beat....everything else had fallen heart was pounding and the next thing I heard..the gates flying open.

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