Chapter 7: Living in Hell

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Dustin had grabbed me out of Munro's arms pushing me against the bleachers. "What did I tell you Melody!" He yelled smacking me. "Oh fuck no, don't you dare hit her!" Munro screamed shoving Dustin away from me and into the gym floor. The coach had gone for lunch so it was just us three. "Dustin leave him alone!" I yelled jumping on Dustin's back trying to pull him away from Munro but it was all chaos and fists flying and sadly I caught Dustin's head smacking into mine and I fell off of him to the floor. Munro was on top of Dustin hitting him repeatedly and Dustin laughed trying to act unscathed. "You fucking bastard! How dare you hurt her what in the hell gives you the right to rape her you sick fuck!" Screamed Munro in a rage hitting Dustin in his mouth. I had run up behind Munro grabbing his hood trying to pull him off but what the hell was I gonna do? Little me to this big guy was not gonna do a thing. Munro stood up spitting on Dustin. "Fucking come near her again and I'll kill you!" He yelled kicking Dustin in the side. Now I knew why people beat up Dustin, he was no good and two faced. Playing an innocent guy when inside he was a twisted monster. Munro grabbed my bag off the floor and pulled me close walking away from him. "I'm taking you out of here got it?" Munro spit blood out of his mouth keeping his arm around me as I looked up at him. "Yeah...are you okay?" I asked. "I'm fine." He said walking down the stairs in front of the school with me right by him. "You're bleeding." I said sounded pretty cocky. "Really I hadn't noticed. Fucker throws a good punch but I throw better." He smarted back at me getting in his car. I crossed my arms standing in front of his car looking at him. "What?" He looked at me like I was stupid. "Not going with you while you're mad." I said sitting on the hood of his car. He got out and stood in front of me. "Melody." He looked at me. "No." I said looking away from him. "Please..." He asked sounding calmer now that he knew I wasn't going to budge. "Fine." I said getting off the hood sliding right in front of him looking into those eyes again. I knew what was happening and I was still scared. "Melody." He said touching my cheek smiling gently. "Yeah?" I replied just as he leaned closer to me. I didn't know what to do my heart started racing and I started blushing yet again as he got closer to me. "Munro..." I paused just as he had leaned down and kissed me laying his hand on my cheek. I thought my heart was gonna explode it was pounding so hard. He finally pulled back laying his head on mine. "You don't know how long I wanted to do that." He said rubbing my arm. I grabbed his sides pulling myself against his chest hiding my embarrassment. "You okay?" He asked quietly as I pulled back from him. "Yeah I'm okay." I said looking at him blushing still. "You look really cute with those red cheeks." He smiled kissing my head. "Thanks." I said blushing brighter getting in the car. We drove away from the school and Munro couldn't stop smiling. "What?" I asked looking at him. "Oh nothing." He said laughing to himself as we pulled up to my house. "Are your parents home?" He asked me as he opened the car door for me. "Honestly? They leave all the time and sometimes don't come back for weeks so I wouldn't know." I replied looking up at him. "I'm sorry to hear that. Must be hard pretty much raising yourself." He said grabbing my bag outta the backseat. "Well I'm doing a better job then they did." I said walking up to the house pulling my keys outta my pocket. "Why did you wanna come here?" I asked him opening the door walking up to my room. "So if Dustin came by I could be here and beat him all over again. He isn't gonna hurt you again." He said following me. "Thank you for everything really means a lot." I said looking at him. I crawled on my bed hugging my knees to my chest. "Get some sleep, you've had a long day." He said rubbing my arm. "Will you be here when I wake up?" I asked looking him in the eyes as he pulled my checkered blanket over me. "I will." He said smiling sitting on the edge of my bed next to me. I closed my eyes thinking about all that had happened in the past two days and fell fast asleep.

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