Chapter 18: A Fight Worth Fighting

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I woke up with Chris next to me looking at me. " said he'd be in soon to talk to you." He reassured me. "What happened?" I asked sitting up. "You dehydrated. Scared me pretty badly too." He clung to my hand kissing my head. "Chris...I'm sorry I've put you through all this already, I'm an awful person." I sighed hanging my head. "You're an amazing person..." Chris made me look at him and we caught each others eyes. Just then the doctor came in ruining the moment. "Mel I'm gonna step out and go get you something to drink okay?" Chris smiled walking out of the room. "You need to be more careful Miss, you could have really hurt yourself." He assured looking at my IV and taking my blood pressure. "We're running some fluids through you and once you empty this IV we'll go ahead and release you." I sighed nodding as he walked out and rolled onto my side in the fetal position closing my eyes. "What is wrong with me..." I started falling asleep to the sound of doors being opened and closed and people walking every which way until my room door was opened. I sat up worried slightly but it was an officer. "Good evening Mrs. Melody. I came by to ask a few more questions." He sat down and I sat up looking a little worried. "When was the first attack you claim to have happened?" He looked at me stern and I thought for a minute trying to remember everything. "The first incident happened about a month or two ago." He wrote down what I said and was prepared for more questions. "And what happened at that time?" I sighed realizing he was going to want details about the night. Just as I started to say something Chris came back in and stopped when he saw the cop in with me. "Uh..what's going on?" Chris sat at the foot of my bed and I sat up more laying my head against his arm. "He's getting more information about Dustin." I closed my eyes as Chris hugged me. "Ms, you still haven't answered my question." The cop was determined. "I know..." I hesitated breathing deep.  Chris cut in looking at the officer. "Don't you think she's gone through enough? She's trying to forget that piece of shit low life who hurt her in the first place." He looked down at me kissing my head again hugging me closer to him. "I'm only trying to do my job and make sure he doesn't get released for doing this." The cop got up ready to leave until I said something. "Dustin was supposed to be my friend but he lied and when I came home he was waiting for me, we argued then he pushed me on the bed and undressed me..." I paused tearing up remembering everything again. "And he raped me...then left." I was on the verge of a breakdown and Chris just held my hand. "You reported another attack about a week ago would you mind explaining what happened then?" I sighed looking up at Chris. "It's okay Mel, tell him everything." He smiled and I sat up explaining how Dustin had kidnapped me from the concert and threatened to kill me and I managed to escape from a window and get help. The officer left and it was just me and Chris, he hugged me rubbing my back. "I know it's hard having to explain that to a total stranger...but Dustin won't get away with this." I hugged him and the doctor finally released me and we had gone back to CJ's and that stupid Nikki girl was still there all over CJ. "I'm gonna call Aiden and invite him over okay.." I sighed walking back into the living room grabbing the phone and called Aiden. "Hey Mel." He was happy. "Hey...I was curious if you would come over, I need someone to talk to." I was worried and needed venting. "Yeah sure I'll be over shortly." I smiled and hung up getting ready, I pulled on my hoodie and skinny jeans and sat on the porch waiting for Aiden. He pulled up in his Dodge and got out walking up to the porch sitting with me, Chris had to go to work and CJ and Nikki were inside sucking each other's faces off. "Aiden...I'm really scared right now..." He looked at me worried. "Dustin is in jail Melody, you've got to do your best  to forget him." I started to cry holding my head. "Aiden....I can't." I looked at him heart broken and told him everything. "Aiden I've been getting sick over certain smells, throwing up almost every morning, and blacking out at the store from dehydration." He looked like he was about to pass out and all the color drained from his face. "No....Melody no don't tell me it's what I think it is...." I looked down. "I don't know for sure, I haven't taken a test yet." He hugged me tighter then usual. "Will you go with go get a pregnancy test and wait with me.." He pulled back smiling at me. "Of course. Anything you want okay?" I walked inside looking at CJ as he sat up on the couch. "CJ...I'm going out for a bit." He looked at me kind of curious. "Alright Mel, be safe." I walked out the door with Aiden ahead of me as he opened his truck door for me and I got in holding my stomach. "It's gonna be okay Mel, probably just a flu bug or something." He reassured cranking the truck and driving up to the local drugstore. We pulled up as he parked and hesitated before walking around the front and opened my door grabbing my hand. "It's okay." He sighed as we walked into the store looking through isles before finding one and heading to the counter. I laid it on the counter and the cashier smiled at me. "Congratulations." I looked down as Aiden paid for it and grabbed the bag walking out with his arm around me. "It's alright Mel c'mon don't think about it. It'll be negative and we'll get you some medicine and you'll be all better." I couldn't think I was quiet the ride home as we pulled back up to CJ's. "Let's just get this over with okay.." I walked back inside clutching the bag and heading to the bathroom upstairs with Aiden behind me. I hesitated waiting for the test to develop. "Aiden..." I looked at him terrified. "What if it's...." He cut me off covering my mouth. "Shh." He hugged me tight to him trying to be as much comfort as possible in that moment. "It's been 3 minutes Mel." He looked at me pulling back easy. "Ready?" I nodded turning back to the test laying on the sink with Aiden right there with me. "Aiden... It's...."

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