Angels of Death (Female Reader x Zack)

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(Y/N) POV:

"The girl on the bottom level has been decided to be a sacrifice. All levels may prepare for the upcoming excitement," a speaker says.

"A sacrifice?" My mind wanders in search of an answer as to what is going on. I have no clue where I am, how I got here, why I'm here, or even who I am.

I sit at the opening of an elevator and try to remember anything. This is in vain and I punch the wall surrounding the metal contraption in anger. I can't even remember the simplest of things! I roll my eyes and walk into the elevator. It goes up automatically and stops after only moving up one floor.

"What a shitty, useless excuse for an elevator!" I kick it and walk out. Brilliant. Now I'm in some dark ass, ghost-looking town. I look up to where the sky should be and curse whatever deity is up there.

"Fuck you universe! You think I will face death from some crazy dude and realize how much I love life? Well, think again!" Walking around, I continue mumbling colorful language and taking notice of my surroundings. It's old, it smells, it's dirty and oh my god there are fucking cockroaches and centipedes EVERYWHERE. Ya know what? Fuck this.

I start running from the disgusting abominations and stop just before I'm about to kick a pure, white bird.

"Well, your unlucky ass must have flown in here on accident... which means there's a way out..." I think for a few moments before my attention is drawn back to the creature. "Welp, you can stay with me and eat all the bugs that come near me. Deal?" It just ignores me. "I'll take that as a yes then!"

I pick up the bird with the ghost of a smile and place it in my bag. Then I cup my hands around my mouth and shout, "Okay Isaac Foster! You can kill me now!"

The scraping of metal and stone make me cover my ears and look to the south of where I was facing. I would have never seen him coming if he attacked...

"What the fuck? How did you even know I was here? And my name?" The silhouette seems to say. "You a witch or something?"

"Um, I don't believe so."

The male voice gets closer and in a few seconds, I can feel his presence behind me. The air moves around me and the next thing I know, the curved blade of what appears to be a scythe is a few centimeters from my neck. "Answer me!"

I roll my eyes. "Your wanted posters are all around this weird town thing," I answer. So clearly, he's not the sharpest tool in the tool shed.

"Oh," is all I get in response. We stand there awkwardly for a few seconds before he regains his bearings. "So why aren't you running from me and begging for your life? Why would you call out for me? I may not be the smartest guy, but even I'm not dumb enough to do that."

I sigh. "Isn't it obvious? I would prefer not to live."

Isaac just stares at me and blinks. "So you wanna die? And you're not scared of me?" He questions. I simply nod.

A few more beats of silence pass before I hear manic laughter. "That has got to be some of the stupidest shit I've ever heard! I've only had one other girl try to do that to me, even going as far as telling me I'm attractive!" He continues laughing and I think through what he said.

"Well, are you?" I ask.

"Am I what?"

I sigh again. "Are you attractive?"

His aura shifts, making the atmosphere become dark and heavy. "No. I'm an ugly monster."

I turn around and counter his self put down. "According to biblical texts, even the devil was once a beautiful angel."

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