Fairy Tail (Erza x Jellal)

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Third-person POV:

Erza and Jellal tumbled down the rocky hill, each taking turns smashing their backs on the ground as they fell. Erza made it to the bottom a split second before Jellal came rolling after her. She landed on her back with her arms sprawled out and little breath in her lungs, due to having the wind knocked out of her. Her would-be lover landed on top of her, just managing to use his arms and legs to prop him up to keep him from crushing her.

Jellal hadn't had the wind knocked out of him, but when he looked into the red-haired angel's eyes, he felt like he had. She looked at him with so much love and forgiveness that he almost looked away. She would always be his light.

The more they fell into each other's gaze, the more emotional both for them became. Tears started streaming down Ezra's face and she spoke, finally willing to let fate control her emotions.

"I thought I'd never see you again..." She trailed off as she cried.

Jellal stayed quiet, moved by her emotions. A fire in his soul ignited at her words. He wanted nothing more in the world than to claim her lips and hold her, telling her he would never leave her side so long as he lived.

Erza brought her hands up to his handsome face and let her eyes roam it. Finally, her eyes landed on his lips and stayed there. Using his thumb to dry her tears, the blue-haired man started to let his head down and prepare to finally taste her. He knew that the guild he founded was about not deserving light, but he loved her light so much, he felt empty and lost without it.

Just this one time... He thought to himself. Just this one time, I'll be selfish. The process of leaning down further towards her felt like slow motion. Just as they both were about to pull away, their lips met.

Erza's whole body ignited and she could have sworn sparks flew as she kept a gentle grip on his face to bring him closer to her. The deeper the kiss got, the more joy the two of them felt. It's a fantastic thing when soul mates can finally be together.

Jellal felt like everything he ever wanted in life was right in his arms. Her soft, warm skin and lips invited him to keep delving deeper into her mouth, greedily tasting her. Their tongues didn't bother to fight for dominance; instead, they danced with one another, perfectly intertwining.

Finally, they pulled away from each other to catch their breaths, still relishing the moment. Once again, the two looked into each other's eyes. Both were filled with love and adoration for one another.

"I... I love you!" Jellal blurted out. His face, which was already flushed, went bright red. Erza only giggled and smiled.

"I love you too. I always will," She whispered. Then she pulled him back for another soul sheering kiss.

Eventually, the new lovers got up and dusted themselves off. Hints of red stayed on their faces along with goofy grins.

"We should keep this a secret..." Jellal's smile started to fade.

"Yes. We both have too many enemies who would use us against each other," Erza agreed. "But... After all this is over, can we just, go somewhere? Can we go to a quiet little hot spring far away and forget about our responsibilities? We can be happy, even if it's just for a few days."

He nodded. "I would like nothing more."

They shared another quick kiss before parting ways and going back to the others. The pair hoped the games would end quickly.


Hi! Sorry, I took so long to update the one-shots. I'm going to focus on this and my Itachi fan fiction more now and really try to get them done. I'll also be focusing on "The Devil's Daughter" so I can update everything.

I've put my Bellarke fanfictions on sort of a pause, due to the fact that I lost passion for the ship. Hopefully, I'll accomplish everything I've been trying to do.

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