Naruto (Itachi x Female OC)[Part 2 of 2]

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Yin's POV:

He should be trying to hide or defending himself, but he just runs away like a coward. The target keeps running for his life, but I simply watch. I use a simple genjutsu to slow his perception of time and jump down to get in front of him. Then I take out a couple of kunai from my weapons pouch and smirk when I see the fear on the unnamed man's face. He can't move very quickly due to the genjutsu, so my job is exceptionally easy.

I stab him in the heart and lift the genjutsu to watch him die. I smile at the dread on his face. When he finally passes, I start to clean up any trace that the leaf was ever there.

"Shit! The anbu already got him!" I hear a voice say. I act as if I hear nothing and continue my work.

"It's just one little girl. We can kill her and take the body for the bounty," another voice whispers.

Oh? A bounty you say? They sneak up behind me and get ready to pounce. A split second before the men make a move, I appear behind them. "Hello, boys."

The grey-haired man nearly leaps out of his skin while the other simply jumps away. "Kakuzu! That bitch just appeared out of thin air! Did you see that?!"

"Yes, idiot. I can see her."

"Sorry," I smile, "But I couldn't help but hear that you want to kill me. Thought I should intervene."

"You should've used that opportunity to run," the one named Kakuzu keeps his poker face.

"What fun would that be? If I kill both of you, I can turn your corpses in for a bounty."

"Oh?" his poker face changes into a smirk.

"You're both in my bingo book," I look at between the two, "Hidan of Yugakure and Kakuzu of Takigakure. Known to few as 'the Zombie Brothers'. One is money hungry and the other is religious. Very scary."

"You should be afraid, little girl! We'll kill you right where you stand!" Hidan shouts.

"How pathetic that other Shinobi had trouble killing you two," I cast my genjutsu, knowing they won't sense it till it's too late. I'm seemingly in front of Hidan in the blink of an eye. Before he even realizes what happened, his head is disconnected from his body.

"One down, one to go."

Kakuzu studies me. "She used a genjutsu."

"Yeah, no shit!" the decapitated head says.

I almost drop it in surprise. "Oh?"

"Yes, you little bitch. I'm still alive! You can't kill me, so long as Lord Jashin grants me the blessing of immortality."

"Uh, okay?" I answer, completely bewildered.

"We could use Itachi right now. He's more suited to fight her," Kakuzu shrugs.

"Wait! You know where Itachi Uchiha is?" I ask. After all these years...

"What's it to you?" he smirks again, catching on to the desperation in my voice.

"I need to talk to him! I've been looking for him for years!"

"Oh? He's important to you?" Kakuzu muses.

"Yes! Take me to him!" I demand.


"Please! You can take me prisoner and you can have the body! You can do whatever you want to me! Just please, take me to him," I beg.

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