Naruto (Itachi x Female OC)[Part 1 of 2]

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Yin's POV:

"Itachi!" I yell as I enter the Uchiha compound.

The raven-haired boy looks at me and smiles brightly. His smile alone warms my cold body and makes me smile back.

I run to him and give him a hug. He wraps his arms around my torso and hugs me back. We intend to stay like this for a few more seconds, but I pull away in a fit of coughing and sputtering. I know I'm sick as a dog with my pale skin, red-rimmed eyes, horrible cough, and an annoying chill, but even though I feel crappy, I push all of that away just to see my best friend and first love, Itachi Uchiha.

"You're sick," He states.

"What? No, I'm not!" I lie.

He just looks at me and grabs my hand, pulling me in the direction of his house. "Yin, I've known you since you were three. I know when you're lying. Plus, you look exhausted."

I snort and instantly regret it when pain shoots down and around my swollen throat. I try to hide my wince with sarcasm. "Quite the charmer, huh?"

He ignores my comment and puts the back of his hand on my forehead. "I'm older than you. You should respect your elders," He jokes.

"Only by a few months!"

Itachi smiles and ruffles my hair as we enter his home. "What do you know? You're only twelve. I'm thirteen which makes me wiser than you," he sits me down on his bed before running off to get medicine.

I huff and pout while I wait for him to come back. When he does I poke him on the forehead saying, "Oh yeah? Well, I'll be thirteen tomorrow, so I'll be just as wise as you!" I giggle and look at him.

He keeps smiling, but it's not his real smile. It looks fake and makes my heart quiver. He's been like this for a while, so I try and ease the mood. "So, you're coming tomorrow right?" I ask hopefully.

This time, a dark look passes over his face. Itachi's Sharingan flashes for a second before going back to his normal eyes. His rigid posture gives away that something is very wrong.

"I-Ita-Itachi?" I stutter. He turns his attention back to me and everything shifts back to normal. "Are you okay?" I look into his eyes and search for any trace of trouble.

He starts mixing medicine. "You know it worries me when you fall ill. You should take better care of yourself," He worries over me like he's my mother.

I let the odd moment go and kiss his cheek. "Now you can be sick with me!" My heart swells at the genuine happiness that covers his features like a blanket.

"You'll be the death of me, won't you?" he muses before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. My heart starts to beat quickly when he looks into my eyes.

"Only if you let me..." I trail off as I lean closer to his face.

Itachi just keeps looking into my eyes like he's trying to memorize them, acting as if he'll never see them again. He starts to lean in as well and soon our faces are a mere breath apart. Just as I'm about to lean in further, a voice calls out and shatters the moment.

"Itachi? You home sweetie?" Itachi's mother calls out.

Itachi and I both immediately pull away and blush a deep crimson before he lifts up a cup of medicine to me.

"Um... Yo-you sho-should drin-drink this!" He sputters and sets it next to me. "I-I'll be right ba-back," He bows before running off to greet his mum.

I pick up the cup and drink it, hoping it would help my heated face cool down. We almost kissed! I freak out. Holy crap we almost kissed! I blush more at the thought of what his lips would feel like on mine. I think about our moment for a few minutes before getting up and going to the kitchen. There I see Itachi talking to his mother. I walk over quietly and stand beside him while they talk, not wanting to be rude and interrupt.

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