Obi-Wan Kenobi

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Our favorite sassy Jedi. Let's get into it.

Obi-Wan has quickly become one of the most popular Jedi, especially since he was the first one to ever appear in the Star Wars universe. He was wise, powerful, very intelligent, and some would say a bit too mature for his own age. He wasn't always disciplined, as he broke rules a bit too frequently in his youth, but he did have respect for some of the most essential ones.

He also cared a lot about those who were closed to him, and he was willing to do anything to defend them, it doesn't matter if we're talking about Qui-Gon, Anakin, Ahsoka, Satine, Luke or anyone else. He was a good master to Anakin and taught him to the best of his abilities.

But what really gets me out of Obi-Wan, is that he is NOT perfect, and although it is impossible for us to imagine him losing his composure, there have been times in which Obi has allowed rage and anger to blind him. When Maul killed Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan was devastated, but while his anger partially blinded him enough for Maul to get the best of him, he ultimately gained the upper hand and thoughtlessly cut the Sith apprentice in half. 

Also, in the Expanded Universe, Obi-Wan was one of the many that broke the rule of not falling in love, for not only did he have a past with Satine, but also had a relationship with his fellow Jedi Siri Tachi at one point. Siri died early during the Clone Wars, after being fatally injured by bounty hunter Magus, and Obi-Wan was so furious that he almost killed him in retaliation, but he was ultimately able to move on.

Obi-Wan also won a lot of people's hearts by showing an impressive amount of respect for his enemies when needed. His rivalry with Maul is one of the most popular in the universe, and they did exchange insults and aggressions during their confrontations, especially when Maul killed Satine to gain revenge. But very surprisingly, when they last confronted themselves on Tatooine,  he empathized with Maul's anger with the Sith, and told him that both him and the Jedi would be avenged by the boy he was looking after (Luke obviously). With that said, Maul passed way peacefully from the injury he sustained, and Obi-Wan closed his eyes as a gesture of respect!

Another occasion was in the Expanded Universe, regarding Ventress. She was believed to have perished during the battle of Boz Pity, which was an incorrect belief, but no one will ever know. The thing is that Obi-Wan never forgot her, even with a historial of her trying to kill him, and he planted seeds of a desert plant in memory of her. Not to mention that in the Canon, (in which Ventress does die) he, along with Quinlan Vos, takes her body to Dathomir and lays her to rest with the fallen Nightsisters. 

We will always remember Obi-Wan as the Jedi who struck Grievous down, and as the first master to our hero, Luke Skywalker.

Anyhoo, that was my take on Obi-Wan, and now it is your turn. What do you think of him?

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