Chapter 3: Nightmare

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I gasped in fear as the titan attacked out of nowhere and began devouring the troops.

I sprung into command mode.

"Alright, Isabel, Farlan remain at the front and maintain distance from the beast. Elisa, Jackson and fern, take the titan down!" I called and the three called back before I heard the zip of their 3dmg.

But...just like that it had slaughtered them and gotten to the front. I zipped into the trees and got the other two to do the same. I swung down scratching and stabbing the creature before it grabbed and threw me into a tree.

My vision became hazy as my head had hit first.

"Let's do it for big bro! Let's take this thing down!" Isabel yelled.

I screamed as it bit off the blond boys legs and spit him out like he was just a piece of string cheese.

"Y/n! Y/n, wake up!" I gasped as I sat up. I was soaked in sweat from the memories of that expedition.

I then noticed the short black haired corporal looking as if he'd been dragged through a bush. I woke him up with my screaming.

"S-Sorry Levi." I looked down as tears dropped from my eyes. He sighed.

"It was just a nightmare. Though I'd prefer if you kept your fucking mouth shut."

"It was a memory." His eyes met mine "I remembered when Isabel and Farlan- I should have told them to run. I-" he placed a hand on my shoulder carefully and pulled a face as if he was touching a toilet seat.

"You really need a fucking shower." Despite the conversation we were having, I laughed lightly at him.

"True. I can't believe you can touch me after knowing that I've been gone for six years with only soap alternatives . Just stream water and plants." He looked like he was going to puke as he removed his hand. Before he paused.

"How did you know it's been six years?" He questioned and I smiled.

"I counted the amount of winters there were. So judging by that I'm 29. Holy shit You're old Levi." He rolled his eyes and glared.

"You're lucky I find you too repulsive to touch. Take a shower and come down for breakfast." I smiled as he left the room.

He made me feel a lot better after that nightmare memory.

I quickly showered and got dressed before looking in the mirror. There's no more dirt on my face and my hair looks so soft and smooth.

I noticed a hair tie and put my hair up into a ponytail before heading to breakfast. I silently took some bread before two hands grasped my arm.

"Here's my favourite corporal, ready for business! I missed you so much, I can't handle it~" she squealed and jumped energetically. The cadets watched as we walked over to the higher ups table.

"Good morning Y/n." Erwin welcomed and Levi looked me over assessing my uniform as I sat down.

"You remembered how to tie your harness. And You're not a disgusting dish rag." I rolled my eyes as I bit into my bread.

"I did clean myself the best I could with water and soapwort. Do you really think I could live without cleaning?" I questioned and he merely shrugged going back to his tea.

"awh I can't wait to show you what I've been working on, you'll love it! eek you'll flip ou-"

"y/n's going to be training with Levi today." Erwin intervened and i nearly dropped my bread. Levi seemed to be caught off guard too as he set down his cup.

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