Chapter 8: Avoidance

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I entered the house and the pregnant woman closed the door.

"Let's get some hot milk for you. Dad's in the living room- oh erm I'm Sarah. Your sister in law." I nodded with a smile.

"I'm sorry I couldn't meet you in better circumstances." She nodded with a sad smile as we wiped our eyes.

"Me too."

"Who was it?" A voice called and i felt the world stand still. His eyes looked over me and he gasped.

"Y- y/n? Oh thank goodness!" He pulled me into a tight hug. "We knew you weren't dead! We knew it! Jason found you, yes?" A lump formed in my throat.

"Papa i'm sorry, he's....he passed." Father steeled himself and sighed shakily.

"How? How did he go?" Tears filled my vision at the pain in his voice.

"I-I don't know. I didn't even know that he'd joined the military until i got here. I'll find out papa-"

"Did he know that you're alive?" I paused. If Levi only just informed my family; jason must have passed recently.

"Yes. Everyone knew."

"At least he died knowing that you're safe. Come." I followed him to the sofa and lowered myself into the seat.

"Hot milk. Jason said you really liked it with a little honey." I smiled sadly with a nod as i gratefully took the cup.

"Your brother really loved you. He never recovered knowing that you were lost. He was convinced you were alive, said it was your twin bond. He probably passed happy that you survived." I frowned and sipped the milk savouring the sweetness.

"It's a shame he never knew he'd be a father." I gulped at sarahs comment. Jason used to dream of having a family.

"He would have been overjoyed. I'm sorry he joined the military. If there was any-"

"It wasn't your fault darling." Papa spoke and took my hand. "In the end it was his choice. Don't ever blame yourself."

Sarah nodded with a lighthearted smile.

"Dad's right, you can't blame yourself for his choices. Jason was his own man he was certain that this was his choice, that you are worth it." I nodded and smiled at them both. I felt pain but also warmth in my chest.

"You get money from the military don't you? Since you're his wife?" She sighed and nodded.

"I did when he was alive but now... i don't know. I'm sure I can scrape by with carpentry but-"

"I'll send over as much i can spare. I insist, you have a child and i won't have you doing rough work like that." Papa and sarah smiled almost reminiscent towards me.

"You have the same attitude as your brother." I chuckled.

"I got it from him."

"I'll take money if you promise to be here when I have this baby. As auntie and ...godmother?" I felt light tears rim my eyes.

"I'd love to. I can take annual leave." She pulled me gently into a hug.

"Thank you."

*time skip brought to you by Neighbelline*

The cafeteria was rowdy as i grabbed a baguette and walked straight to the cadets table sitting between Reiner and Jean.

"C-corporal? Why are you sitting here?" I smiled sweetly.

"I'm just here to chill with my favourite cadets." Eren shivvered.

"Well, corporal Levi looks like he's going to kill us." I shrugged.

"He's just an ass. Anyway, how have you been holding up? You look beaten." Eren groaned and shoved his head in his hands.

"One word: Hanji." I laughed and patted his shoulder.

"She gets better. She tested my ability to 'see the future'. I never see it but i always know when something damaging or life threatening's going to happen." He nodded.

"I heard you knew that Mike was going to- sorry."

"It's fine. If there's anything I've learnt over the years, you can't save all of them. You can only do your best and hope it's enough." Jean put an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close in a side hug.

"You've done great so far. You survived the titans outside of the walls. You're badass."

"Yeah, nobody else could've done it! And you kept your rank as corporal, you still remember your training and everything. You're like some sort of saint." I felt my face heat up at Armins praise.

"But i didn't save the people under my command. I-"

"You're only human, it would have been impossible. Plus you hurt your head and forgot. Nobody can put that against you." Reiner joined in.

"Okay, why are you all acting like this?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Ymir questioned as she leaned forward. "They're pissing off Levi."

"Why?" She snorted and rolled her eyes.

"You really don't get it? He's jealous."

"That's insane." They all laughed as i swatted Jeans arm away. "He's thirty four and doesn't get jealous. He hasn't known me that long."

"His age doesn't mean he's unable to get jealous." Armin mused and I sighed.

"I guess you're right." I turned to find Levi's icy glare fixated on me. I waved with a smile and turned back around.

"Why are you sitting with us? Really." I sighed.

"My twin died. And Levi took me along to town and announced it to my family and me at the same time. He should have told me but he hid it so i was left in the same boat as them and had no answers. It was an asshole move"

"I'll say! You helped him become who he is, you motivated him to be better. You deserve better than-"

"She deserves better than what cadet?" Jean gulped and chuckled nervously.

"It's okay guys, i've had my food. Thanks for being good company." I stated and stood before maneuvering past the short man and heading straight to my room.

I locked the door behind me and flopped onto the bed with a sigh.


"Go away Hanji." I muttered and she laughed from behind the door.

"This has nothing to do with shortcake. It's the kings ball." I sighed and opened the door letting the hyperactive coffee fueled scientist into the room.

"I'm not going so-" she gasped.

"Not going?! How can you not go? Everyone wants to meet the woman who survived the outside world with pure instinct and plant knowledge. You're practically a legend!"

"Exactly. Dresses, heels that make you feel nothing but agony for weeks only for pleasantries and food that could be sent out to those who need it. Not to mention the endless amounts of ass kissing. No thanks." She grinned and sat on my bed.

"That's a shame. It's mandatory to go and you need to decide on someone to join you. Me and Levi are the only-"

"I'll go with you!" I exclaimed making her laugh and clap my back.

"Cool! I'll pick you up at seven on friday." Two days from now.

I braced myself and nodded all the while wondering what the hell have I gotten myself into?

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