Chapter 10

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It's been exactly five days since Harry's accident. Louis would go to school with a hood over his face so no one could see the pain on his face. People would ask about Harry but Louis would walk away without a word. After school, Louis would drive straight to the hospital to check on Harry. Louis still remembered the horrible news the doctor gave him on the first day.


Louis took Harry to the hospital after Harry passed out in the car. He thought the doctors would come back to him and say, "Harry is fine we are just going to keep him for the night and you could take him home tomorrow" but the doctor had a different note.

"Mr. Tomlinson," The Doctor called Louis's name out in the hallway.

Louis followed the doctor outside of the door, "What's the news on him Doctor?"

The doctor looked at Louis and shook his head, this could not be good. "Mr. Tomlin-"

"Louis, just call me Louis," Louis said making the point of "just tell me the news" face as the doctor talked.

"Louis, the boy you brought here is in critical condition and by the looks of it he might not be able make it. I'm sorry, he has three cracked ribs on his left side near his heart, a sling on his left arm and also because of the amount of blood loss. The beating on him may have caused some bleeding in the inside. Do you know by chance of how this happened?" The doctor looked at Louis.

He got the living shit beaten because of my fucking past mistakes and so the asshole guy decided to play a fucking game with me by using Harry.

"No doctor I do not," Louis lied to the doctor. The doctor gave Louis a nod as he turned away to the opposite direction. Louis stood in his place as a nurse came up to him and told him Harry's room number.


Louis has been writing letters to Harry about what has happened at school, the amount of homework Mr. Elderman gave Louis for being gone plus with extra, and who has visited. Jay would come by to give Louis extra clothing, ask how was he doing but Louis wouldn't reply. Anne visited Harry with tears down her face and yelled at Louis for the accident would try to hit Louis but couldn't but eventually did as Louis took the pain. It was his fault anyway says Louis. Louis thought that by writing these letters would help him but that wasn't working. The pain was growing stronger and Louis wanted to ease the pain, he knew that he shouldn't do but he made him feel so good.

Louis itched at his arm, he didn't want Harry to wake up to see Louis doing his past addiction. That needed to hidden away from Harry, he didn't need to know. The pain grew stronger, to the point were Louis couldn't take it. Louis grabbed his bag and walked into the bathroom. Louis looked through his small bag and found his long lost friend. Louis looked at the dried, old blood on the thin silver razor and lifted up his sleeves, exposing the old scars.

"Louis don't do this," Louis heard a soft voice as he looked around the room. "I know how badly you want to do that but please don't do it."Louis was scared at the voice, "Why shouldn't I do it? Who are you anyway voice?"

"Because I know that you are stronger than what you think, I know you better. The Louis I know would fight against the pain like how I'm fight against death!" The voice said as if it was crying.

"Why are you fighting against death? Your just a voice in my head! Tell me. Who. Are. You!" Louis tried not to cry as he held the cold razor across his wrist.

"You know who I am, Lou. I know that you are not the tough guy people put you out to be, you are the Louis that is caring, sweet, and protective over people who have a hard life growing up. You don't want them to end up like some people in big cities where people would beat them for there secret or broken home life. You don't want people to make the same mistake as you did!" The voice yelled back at Louis.

Louis stopped in his tracks. How did the voice know about that? It's a voice Louis it knows everything but this voice is different.

Louis put the razor back in his pocket and opened the bathroom door to see the same boy that was laying on the hospital bed still unconscious with the multiply wire hooked to his body. The monitor for his heart was still beeping but slower than normal.

"I told you Lou, I'm slowly dying and the doctors don't even know," The voice was behind Louis. Louis turned around to see nothing but felt a cold chill wind near him.

"You can't be Harry," Louis said to the voice as he looked at Harry. "Harry is right there lying on that bed and he is going to live!"

"Louis you were a great friend while I was he-"

"Don't talk like that. Stop! Harry is going to live because I would die with guilt knowing that it was my fault! I wanted Harry to live a better life than his past. I wanted to be the reason why he would be to person growing up, the person he choose to be not what people make him out to be!" Louis cried back at the voice in tears. Louis walked over to Harry and grabbed his cold hand, "Harry I don't know if you can hear me or not but I need you more than anything right now please stay with me. I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry for everything! It's my fucking fault of why you are in the damn place because of a shitty mistake. I should be the one in that damn bed not you! You have to prove to the doctors that you are strong and will fight this, for me please don't leave me!" Louis cried as he looked at the lifeless face of a ghost then put his head down on Harry's chest. "I know that I sound like those girl in movies when they lost their loved one but that how I feel. I'm losing the person I trusted in to death. Harold Edward Styles you are going to fight back death showing them whose boss and you will wake up to see me by you bed side waiting for you, okay?"

Louis looked back up at Harry, trying to give a smile with his red puffy eyes, but just we was about to look away Louis saw a small tear fall from Harry cheek. Louis smile a big smile, "I knew you would fight it now wake up soon to see me please."

"I will Louis, I promise I will."

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