Chapter 8

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Louis didn't know what to think? Five minutes to save Harry but he didn't know where to start looking. Louis sped at 90 miles searching each park he knew and the first one was by his house.

Harry has to be okay, he has to be! I should've never left Harry's side. This is all my fault. Two days Harry has gotten hurt and its because of me. I should've been the one getting hurt not Harry! Louis thought as he drove passed stop signs.

"Four minutes to go Lou, drive!" Louis didn't care that he could die right now if he got in a accident, all he wanted was save Harry.

Louis drove park, pulling up to a stop. He looked around the park in his car and saw nothing but just as he was about to text the mysterious guy, Louis looked up towards the swings to see a figure hanging down, no movement.

Louis got out of his car and start walking to the figure, "Harry?"

The figure did not move, only the weight of it's body being pulled it down.

Louis walked faster to the figure, "Harry?"

The figure lifted up his head slowly showing it's once spotless face now a face covered by pain. Louis ran over to the little boy who's being hanged by the swings by his wrists, holding up him off the ground. His face, you could not recognize the shape or the color. It was covered in black, blue, and his blood mixed in with the dirt off the ground.

Louis tried to figure out how to get the boy down but as he looked into Harry's eyes, he saw nothing but fear and death.

Time was running out, only two minutes to go of setting him free. Louis looked at Harry putting on a hopeful smile, "I'll be right back. I'm going to get my car and untie the chains, okay?"

Harry gave a weak smile with a nod as Louis sprinted to his car, pulling up under the swings just enough to reach the chains. Every movement Louis made to the chains, Harry cried out in pain.

"God Harry what did they do to you?" Louis asked Harry as he pulled off the chains. As Louis pulled off the chains, Harry body fell just as Louis catches it. Louis remembered how Harry's body was tough to get off of his but now it felt weightless. Louis took out the phone and with two seconds to spare texted the guy.

From: Harry/Louis

Got the boy now what do you want from me? What did I ever do to you?

To: Harry/ Louis

You did everything! You messed up my life when you showed up at the school and became the new tough guy! All you had to do was embarrass me and that gave you the title. Louis William Tomlinson you might want to keep a closer eye on your precious boy here because every time you look away from him, something bad is going to happen. Have a nice day, Boobear ;)

Louis put the phone away and got Harry into his car to drive him home. Louis knew his mom would be at work this hour so he didn't have to worry about her because of Harry but he didn't to know if Harry was okay, inside and out. Louis gently placed Harry in the passenger side of the car and drove Harry to his house. Harry would try not to close his eyes but he just want to all asleep.

"Harry don't close your eyes," Louis would tell Harry as he pat his arm to keep him awake.

Harry nodded his head then looked out the window to the blue skies above but slowly closed his eyes into the darkness.

Louis looked over at Harry thinking that he was just out in his world until he tried to call his name but Harry did nothing. Louis shook his arm just as Harry's head hung forward. Louis turned the car around and sped to the local hospital, Harry's lives was running out.

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