Chapter 22

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"Harry, y-you s-spoke! You spoke to me, you spoke to me!" Louis jumped around the room in excitement. Louis sat down on his bed amazed that the young boy spoke to him for the first time since he came to the school and with all the shit that happened to him. "Ho-how long did it take you to speak those words?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders. Harry reached out to grab a piece of paper and pen but Louis took the paper and pen away before Harry and shook his head, "You don't need to write anymore. I want to, no, I need to hear you voice and what it sounds like. I will help you just don't use anything else to talk unless your voice starts to ache, okay?"

Harry nodded his head then sat down next to Louis looking at his chest. Harry touched the old scars, "Wh-what happened, Lou?" His voice was cracked and low.

Harry didn't like the sound of his own voice, he just wanted to either have his old voice or stay mute but if Louis was correct, if he and Louis did work on his speech then maybe he could have his voice back.

"It's okay Harry, those scars are in the past and promise to never go back there again, but then again some of them I didn't do, my fucking loving father did," Louis held Harry's large hand and traced the little scars. "I did those ones because my home life was never perfect it was a shitty hell hole. Before I came here in Doncaster, I once lived in London. My parents were like the perfect couples everyone wanted. They cared about each other, help others around, life was perfect. Jay noticed some changes about her mood and she felt sick every time she ate so they went to the doctor and got the news that they were going to be parents to a boy, me. But soon everything just sort of crashed out of the blue. Dad would come home late every night from work, get drunk off his arse and when Jay wasn't around he would beat me. The beatings got worse after a while when I found out that Jay was pregnant again. He thought it was my fault so for 3 fucking years he threw thing at me, beat me with things, and he even tried to rape me. I would have bruises all over my body and he said that if I told anyone he would kill someone that would be close to me. I told Jay and we moved to here with my baby sister, Lottie. Although times were rough, Jay, Lottie and I made it through another 3 years but soon enough Lottie became ill. People would tell me every day that she's ill because of me, she was going to die, and she hates me because I can't help Jay out. I watched her lay on her bed slowly dying and I could do anything to help her out so I began to cut. I start cutting to feel free, let all of my anger out on every slash and that's when I became the dark Louis everyone feared at school."

Harry sat there looking at the broken boy. Louis reminded Harry of his older brother Trevor. Trevor tried his best to help Harry out from their father but something had to happen at the end. "I-I'm sorry th-that happened to you." Harry moved closer to Louis side as Louis leaned his head on Harry's arm. Harry intertwined their fingers together tightly, "How did we end up like this? A broken boy and a muted boy lives both ended up like hell but somehow since the day we met, our lives turned around."

"I don't know Harry, maybe he just had to go through that shit just to find the one thing in our goals to make us happy," Louis said as he pulled Harry and himself to lie down on the bed as they looked at each other with a smile.

"What would that be?" Harry asked.

"Each other," Louis replied as he slowly pulled Harry closer sealing his words with their first kiss.

After a couple moments, Louis pulled away from Harry in shock, both of their faces red as a tomato. "I-I'm so sorry for that. I-I d-didn't know what came over me to do that. Harry, I'm really sorry, it was just-."

Harry shushed Louis by covering Louis's lips with his finger shaking his head with a smile, "It's fine. I-I kind of liked it."

Then Harry cupped Louis's face with his hands, Harry looked into Louis's blue eyes. Louis's eyes were dark sea blue on the outer rim then fade into a baby blue that can fill anybody with hope and joy. Harry smiled at the boy then noticed closely that Louis also had some green in his eyes as well. "You have the prettiest eye color and the funny thing is that you also have a part of me. You eyes are blue but you also have green too."

"You will always be a part of me because you are my Haz," Louis replied back. Louis cupped the back of Harry's neck then pulled him closer with a smile, "You're my Haz."

"And you're my Lou," Harry responded as he pulled Louis in for another kiss.

The kiss was slow and smooth, it was as if nothing could come in between them. They were in their own world, there would be no more pain, no more suffering, no more of anything, it would just be Harry and Louis together alone. They both pulled away with a smile, "We can't tell anybody about this, okay?" Louis asked.

Harry shook his head in agreement, "Not even Becka and if she found out, she would kill us for not telling."

"Right, well love let's get some sleep before tomorrow comes," Louis said as he lied down on his bed, shutting off his light.

Harry climbed in next to Louis, wrapping his arms around Louis's small body and held on to the older boy's hands as Louis fell to sleep. Harry listened at the boys light snores, he placed his head on the nuzzle of Louis neck, "Love you Boo." Then Harry drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Little did both of the boys know, they may think life has gotten better, but their story has just got started.


This is the end of this book but there is a sequel to it. The title of the sequel is You & I and I do have it written out, 16 chapters or more, but it will soon be posted.

I thank you all for reading this story and if you can, comment on how I did writing and what I need to approve of. I would greatly appreciate it.

Anyway thank you and please read You & I when I get it posted today.

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