Chapter 2

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“Harry, get up time for school,” Anne said as she shook Harry out of bed. Two days passed, Harry goes to school today hoping that this school would be better. “That’s full of shit Harold you know that all schools are the same.” The voice came back into his head, the voice that caused Harry pain that made him feel like he was nothing.

Shut the fuck up! Harry muttered inside as he walked to the bathroom to fix his curls. After he fixed his hair, he put on a tight fitted white shirt and black skinnies then headed down the stairs. Harry walked down to the kitchen to see a plate of eggs and bacon made into a face. Harry laughed as Anne gave him a hug then they both looked at the door knowing that it was time to go.

Harry got into Anne cars as they drove off to Harry new school, Easton High, the home of the Eagles. Harry got out of the car with a wave goodbye then looked at the new school, “You’re not going to last long here fag! You should have ended this pain when you had the chance…”

Fuck off, Harry growled under his breath as he took his first step in the building.

The school was smaller compared to Harry’s other school. The hallways smaller and the lockers were a huge like it could fit a whole person in there. As Harry slowly walked around the school, a preppy brunette girl walked up behind Harry and asked him, “Hey are you new?”

Harry turned around to see the girl popping bubbles out her mouth, chewing the gum obnoxiously loud.

“Hey kid, are you new here?” The girl asked again but Harry said nothing. Harry wanted to tell her that he was new but before he even had the chance to talk, the girl walked away.

The girl had enough of Harry’s ignorance and walked up to one of her friends. “That kid acted like I was nothing Luna I swear.”

“Maybe he was to surprised about the school that he didn’t know what to say, Ang,” The blonde hair girl, Luna, said to her friend Angie.

“I don’t know,” Angie said with a big sigh. “I’m going to try again.”

Angie walked up to Harry tapping his shoulder and started to talk again, “Hey what’s your name?” Harry turned around facing the girl but said nothing.

“Hello?” Angie said again waving her hand across his face but with a tone. “Kid you are really pissing me off!”

“Babe what’s wrong?” Angie’s boyfriend James said hugging her waist.

“This kid keeps ignoring me. I would get his attention but when I want him to talk he says nothing but with a stare,” Angie said to James.

James then spoke up with a tough tone to his voice, “Hey I don’t like people who treat my girl like she shits so show her some respect.”

Harry looked at the boy with big eyes then back at the girl with nothing to say. James grabbed Harry with a surprise and held him up by his collar making Harry whimper, “Hey I don’t like to repeat myself and I don’t like you right now so…"Harry closed his eyes waiting for James to hit him but nothing happened. Harry opened his eyes to meet a blue eyed boy wearing black clothing and a piercing on his lip standing next to him yelling at the guy who held Harry in the air.

“Hey! James, what the fuck are you doing?” The blue eyed kid yelled at James.

“This kid was ignoring Ang. I got sick of it so I got finally his attention then maybe he can actually talk Louis,” James started until the boy eyed boy, Louis, cut him off.

“So that gave you the fucking right to pick a fucking fight with the new kid because he didn’t say shit to you? Maybe there’s a fucking reason why he didn’t speak to you, asshole, like one, maybe he was scared since he is the new kid or two, maybe he doesn't speak to people like because they make him shit his pants. The next time you want to start some shit, make sure there's a god damn fucking reason behind the fight!” Louis yelled at James as James walked away.

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