Chapter 18

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Harry walked into his house from Louis dropping him off but once he opened the door, he saw Anne with her arms crossed and a sad look on her face.

Anne shakes her head, "Harry we need to talk."

Anne guides Harry to a seat in their dinning room table. Harry sat down watching Anne across the room holding folded up papers in her hand, "I love you Harry and I want you to be happy in your life but I-I don't want that happiness in the way of my religion."

Harry raises his hands in the air then Anne pulled out her phone, "You can text me." Harry pulled out his phone then texted Anne a short message.

To Anne:

I have stuff to do, I love you Anne but what are you talking about?

"I love you too Harry but I am getting letters of threats and other stuff. Harry I don't want this kind of stuff in my house," Anne said in a soft voice waving the papers around.

To Anne:

I don't know what you are talking about?

Anne leans closer to Harry bobbing her head with a whisper, "You know..." Harry backed away from Anne shaking his head slowly. Anne leans closer to his ear, "Your gay. Oh and by the way, Harry, I don't want you to hang out with Louis anymore."

To Anne:

You really think I'm that way just because people say I am? Then you're saying that I can't hang out with my best friend who in fact saved my life if you don't remember. Okay first of all I am NOT gay! Why in gods name would you think that for a second. Is it because I hang out with Louis and not any girls? For your information all of the girl at the school are whores, sluts, toys, and other names and I don't like any of them. I'm sorry that I haven't found a girl yet but it will be a long time. Second why am I not aloud to be with Louis? He has been there for me on everything! He helped on the first day of school and he makes sure that nobody hurts me just because I'm different. He is my friend, MY ONLY FRIEND, and he likes me because of me, Harry Edward Styles not Harry the mute kid freak. Anne I'm sorry you think I'm being a dick or so you call but I'm pointing out the truth. People should have facts and truth about things before they point fingers.

Anne read her text message from Harry then looks back at the angry boy. Anne chuckles a smile, "Harry do you honestly think Louis is a good friend. He would have told you about Trevor. You remember Trevor? Well did you know that Trevor died during a war?" Harry had tears roll down his face, shaking his head. "Harry, if Louis is really your friend that why hasn't he told you about Trevor, your only brother."

Harry stood up from the table with his hands in his hair, waterfall of tears streaming his face. Harry looks at the vase of flowers, picked them up then threw it against the room to the wall. Anne ducked under the table but just as she looked up, Harry slams the door running out of the house.

Harry ran from the place that he called home to now somewhere on his path. Harry could only see blurs of objects passing him because of the tears, Harry stops for a second to catch his breath just when he felt a small hand on his shoulder, "Are you okay?"

Harry looks up at the face to see Becka with her bike. Harry tried to say something back but Harry collapsed inro Becka's arms. Becka tried to wake up Harry but nothing seemed to work. Becka searched for Harry's phone, eventually she found it and called the first person on the list, Louis.

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