Prologue and Chapter 1

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The First Demon

Disclaimer for rest of story: I don't own any material contained within this story. All copyrighted content remains the property of the person, people, or organization that holds the copyright. This story is solely for fun.

A/N: Well I had this idea for a while and thought I might as well put it out there. But please excuse me for any Mary-Sueness. I don't mean to do it but I just ask you bear with it and try and ignore that fact.

PS: I own the O.C. Lilith and possibly her demon. This also applies for the rest of the story. And this story deals with the anime and the first chapter starts on the day of the ball featured in the last episode.

PSS: I also have this story on, Inkitt, and I believe Quotev under the same username... this is the 1st completed story I made on and thought I would share it here in its mostly original form so I could see just how far I have come every once in a while. Plus I have a strange pride with this story and can't seem to delete it off the internet and instead have spread it around wherever I go... ignore the obvious joke there please haha.



The creator of two of the people of the garden was elsewhere making other things. That was the only way the other woman, created by the Evil One, was able to meet and to become sisters with one of the two people.

The gardens were being worked on by a man naked as day, but only one of the two naked women sitting on the grass near the garden knew this wasn't right. The woman who knew, her name was Lilith, and she was jealous of this woman's beauty. The woman sitting next to Lilith and chatting had long platinum blonde hair, same as the man, and with eyes as blue as the sky above them, also same as the man. And her skin was a creamy white, same as the mans

But Lilith wasn't meant to be there. You could even tell by the way she looked compared to the only two other people here. She had raven black hair and her skin wasn't one single color and was always changing, and even though she had a nice body, the naked woman who she loved as a sister had one more gorgeous. Another thing that meant that she wasn't meant she wasn't supposed to be there was because she was sent by the Evil One. He wanted to make sure that the woman sitting across from her ate from the Tree of Good and Evil.

She hated trying to do this knowing their fate but it was in her nature to cause misfortune to others and she had to obey the orders of the Evil One, her master. At the end of the day the creator of these two people would send them down from this garden and bar the Tree of Life so they couldn't return unless they died like the mortal animals they tended.

Lilith plan would have to commence now if she ever planned to do it. They walked past the Tree of Good and Evil and Lilith said, "So sister how about you take an apple from that tree."

"You know because Father said we could not." The woman said as it was common knowledge.

"But didn't you know? Wait you wouldn't know. This tree is the tree that will let you know all things in the world." Lilith said picking up a strand of the un-sinful woman's soft long hair.

"Well then why had Father said we couldn't?" The woman said looking at the tree.

The seeds of curiosity were now successfully planted and that made Lilith's job done, "Why don't you try one and find out. Surely you'll know then. And then let the person in the field try one and tell him what I had told you."

The woman looked at Lilith shocked and asked, "Aren't you going to be here with me?"

Lilith laughed and let a tear roll down her face as the other woman took an apple, "I'm sorry but I have to go back to my master. And I'm sure you'll hate me after this so it's better for me not to be around right?"

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