Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

A/N: Well I thought I'd try to get this chapter up to you the minute that the clock struck twelve but I just couldn't think of any ideas so I'll put it up for the first day of the New Year instead! Happy New Year!

Lilith was dragged along by Road and the young woman wasn't talking which, by Lord Mikk's expression, was out of the ordinary. They finally got to the room they were meant to be in and Road let go of Lilith's arm and went over and sat down on one of the chairs on the long dining table that was in front of them. But when Road sat down what Lilith saw made her eyes widen. Her skin turned an ashen gray color and crosses appeared on her forehead, and her skin turned a golden color which made Lilith think of her own eyes.

Lord Mikk then put a hand on her shoulder and said, "Come, sit down, the Duke will be here soon."

He then went and sat down on a chair of his own and his forehead was then adorned with crosses, and his eyes also turned a golden color. Lilith's eyes widened and she asked Snake-Lilith, "Am I like them?"

Snake-Lilith replied, "In a way yes but overall you're nothing like them. Go ahead sit down and you'll see what I mean when the Earl comes in."

She did as she was told and sat down but when she did the two second burning feeling came to her skin and then it was gone and her skin was now the burnt black color. The other two at the table looked at her and their golden eyes widened.

Lilith smiled and shook her head and said to Snake-Lilith, "Guess I'm going to be in the dark as long as these two?"

Snake-Lilith laughed and replied, "Yes."

Just then the Duke walked in. ((A/N: Okay I don't feel like describing the Earl so if you don't know what he looks like you better start reading the manga or watching the anime... NOW!))

The Duke then said, "Good evening."

Lilith stood up and bowed saying, "Good evening Duke. I have to say," she said as she straightened, "I wasn't expecting you to look... jolly."

The Duke laughed and she noticed that Lord Mikk and Road were still staring.

The Duke then said, "Thank you for giving me a laugh. Let me introduce myself. I'm the Earl of Millennium, but you may call me the Earl. Now may I ask who you are?"

Lilith nodded and said, "My name is Lilith and the one inside of me of whom we will be getting our information this evening is also named Lilith."

The Earl looked at her as if he just noticed her skin color and asked, "Is that what you skin normally looks like?"

Lilith laughed and said, "No it's not, but I guess I should get the other Lilith out here so she can answer your questions."

Then the feeling of viewing her life through another's eyes came again and Snake-Lilith's voice came out of her mouth and said, "I'm very disappointed in you Earl."

Now everyone in the room's eyes widened and Snake-Lilith laughed as she continued, "That was the second egg of mine that was destroyed. Sure you yourself didn't destroy the first one but one of the previous Earls have."

The Earl had a confusing look in his eyes yet he still had on that big smile as he asked, "What are you talking about?"

"I'm the one who made those eggs. My children come from those eggs that I have chosen to given to you. If you truly look deep within yourself I'm sure you can remember way back to you very first form... Adam." Snake-Lilith said.

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