Chapter 8

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Meek POV

I woke up and looked at Nicki who was sleeping next to me I sighed and got out of bed my mom doesn't know that Nicki's here I took a quick shower and woke her up

"Get up, it's time to go to school" I said she looked so confused

"Go take a shower and I'll make breakfast for you" she sat up and I kissed her forehead

Thing is, my mom doesn't know that Nicki is pregnant and I don't know where to start I went downstairs and made breakfast for her when I came back she was wrapped in a towel I put the tray of food on the dresser while she got dressed

"You want me to pack your bag for you?" I asked

"No I've already packed it" she said

I nodded and also got dressed she's been quiet since last night and I get where she's coming from she started eating her breakfast after she was done we went to school together

"You okay?" I asked as I walked her to her class

"I'll be okay, don't worry about me" she said holding my hand tighter

"If you need anything, just know that I'm here for you babygirl" I kissed her cheek

"Don't do that, you're making me shy" she blushed

"You love acting like you're so sweet and innocent" 

"Whatever Meek, I know I'm innocent" we stood outside her classroom door and hugged

"It's okay baby, I'll never leave you" I kissed her forehead

"Don't do that you're gonna make me cry" she said trying to act tough

"Okay tough lady, have a great day" I said to her and kissed her one last time

I watched her as she walked into her class I then went to my class


"Yo chill with all that smokin' you gon' kill yourself" Omelly said

"I ain't gon' die loser" I said as I took another long drag

"Girlfriend issues?" Deen asked

"You have no idea" I said

"You got AIDS?" Chino asked laughing he was high as fuck

"No stupid" I frowned

I took a drag and spoke up

"Nic is pregnant, so imma be a father soon" I said thinking about it

I never had my dad in my life so I don't know anything about being a father to someone the thought of someone calling me dad really fucks with me

"Damn you hit that?" Deen asked

"He been hittin' it for a long time" Omelly replied

"Shut up" I said mugging him

"So when the baby shower happening and alla that?" Deen asked

"Do ya momma know?" He asked

I shook my head

"Man you gon' get it" Chino said laughing

I'm definitely gon' get it, she warned me but I ain't listen to her now she about to become a grandmother

"You gotta man up and do the right thing" Omelly said

This nigga sounding like a preacher

"Whatever man"


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